I'm honored to bring you the news: The 1980's live!!!!
Balls of Fury
(16 Motherfucking Characters)
wow, I'd watch that just for Christopher Walkin, but damn that's funny.
thanks for the find Greg.
and the winner for best movie goes to: BALLS OF FURY!!
What i would give to hear that announced
Who says hollywood is dead? XD
It's like Beverly Hills Ninja… but 10 years later!
With a premise like that, that's a pretty decent and amsuing cast.
Don't say that, I don't want Christopher Walken killing over from drug overdose.
(Bump and double post)
I notice trailers are playing on TV now, and I must say while there isn't much more footage than what we've had I'm waiting for this film even tho I probably wont get to see it.
I'm seeing some double posting on this board…
Christopher Walken is easily the best actor since Charleton Heston tried to act like a Jew.
I'm seeing some double posting on this board…
Nice observation skills, were you born with those?
I'm seeing some double posting on this board…
Buuhan's first post was from 14th of November 2006 and second was from 5th of August 2007 so… I'm sure there were plenty of time for people to reply between the posts. :happy:
I remember seeing a trailer of Balls of Fury and I actually got few nice giggles from it.
Looks pretty run of the mill to me. Looks like the Dodgeball movie, only with ping-pong balls.
same can be said about you.
tries not to type out a long laugh I find it amusing you are lumping a double post with 7-8 months in between them with that of posts with only a few minutes or hours between them.
And please, don't think you know how to burn.
tries not to type out a long laugh I find it amusing you are lumping a double post with 7-8 months in between them with that of posts with only a few minutes or hours between them.
And please, don't think you know how to burn.
try a week ago. btw how's your dad been.
…wow. Just let the whole bump thing die. It honestly isnt that important, especially seeing how it has been almost a year since the post was made.
This movie looks like pure win. I saw the preview in Knocked Up. Walken is a god of acting.
…wow. Just let the whole bump thing die. It honestly isnt that important, especially seeing how it has been almost a year since the post was made.
This movie looks like pure win. I saw the preview in Knocked Up. Walken is a god of acting.
a week since the post was made, not a year.
Masi Oka is in it, . Yet George Lopez is in it :sad: . -
a week since the post was made, not a year.
Masi Oka is in it, . Yet George Lopez is in it :sad: .We were talking about the post HERE.
btw how's your dad been.
I dunno what you're trying to do but I only have one thing to say. Go to hell.
…why the hell would I be talking about a bump in another thread here?
You should never insult someone's family. What happens if the family member you mock is dying or dead? Not cool.
But enough of that. Wow. Jim Lampley is in this. He's played himself quite a few time in movies lately.
You should never insult someone's family. What happens if the family member you mock is dying or dead? Not cool.
Actually, that wasn't the case. Let's just say my father is a bad man and he's making a joke of it.
But enough of that. Wow. Jim Lampley is in this. He's played himself quite a few time in movies lately.
I saw the trailer a couple weeks ago and thought it looked really awesome, but after reading this I definietly want to see it. Is larry merchant in it too lol?