Hello everyone,
I have so missed posting on Arlong Park, but sadly college got to be too much of a hassle and I had to choose either living the posting life on Arlong Park or studying all the time. So I chose the thing that I had taken almost $20,000 out on.
Alas, I'm back and with a lot of free time now between working and being in my final semester of college.
Anyways, I'm glad to be back and to see everyone again. After taking a few months off I got looking back at a lot of comments I made and realized that I acted like a jerk sometimes. This after some personal family issues I saw that being that way wasn’t good for the soul.
Well before this becomes a Disney movie and we all start singing about doing something that really doesn't need a catchy song to go with. I'll finish typing and go look at all the topics which I missed out on during my, actually short, but leave of absences.
Oh and I want to thank Ocean for not deleting my account like I originally asked in a private message.