First before anything, let's remember to keep this thread clean. Same goes for every other thread, no bashing, flaming, etc. Now, lets the games commence.
Nami is the fiery red headed girl of the Strawhats. She was first seen as a petty thief, but now she's one of the main fighters in One Piece.
The question is, was that really good development for her?
1.The main thing: her fighting style. The first question i guess is
Did Oda ruin Nami as a potential fighter?
When she first started out, Nami used the typical staff whenever she wanted to defend something. She wasn't a fighter but a thief just trying to earn some money. During all of East Blue she let the others fight while she got all of the money. Then, after Luffy and the others saved her from the hell she was in, she started to want to fight more and wanted to stop being in the sidelines. That's when she made Usopp her weapon I personally loved, her climatact.
The way Oda presented it was really good. She showed comic relief fighter so she couldn't be taken seriously, but used that to turn the battle around.
The Enies Lobby Ark was when it went downhill. The ultimateclimatact was the best weapon. It's first appearance showed much potential for it as a fighting tool, with a serious drawback of damage. With her brains and the new power, she'll use it to come with the cool style of fighting. The weapon seemed perfect for her to finally show how'd she become. Then she wanted to really fight to save Robin. The trouble really kicks in.
Her fight was there with Calipha. The crazy battle that could define Nami as what she'll become as a fighter. Oda turned it into some fanservice for all men everywhere. Oda could've made it so she used her staff as a good defense as well as offense, but no. That would've been okay, if Calipha actually fought during the battle! No, Oda made it so she'd rub her body down making her powerless, and thus she rained down making her body wet and soaking them pumping the charge in Nami's "staff" and used its power on Calipha.
Nami's fight was a joke on all humanity. This shows that the only way Nami'll ever win is if the fighter is a super hot girl that totally wants lesbian sex with her then Nami will attack her. That could really hurt her in the long run. One shigan and she probably would've been seriously injured. Oda should've showed that Nami is prepared more for incoming attacks against her instead of showing off how big he drew her boobs in the chapter. He could keep drawing them like that, just make her even hotter by showing her fighting skillz
2.Will Nami ever be taken seriously?
Her bounty and everything about her made her seem like she's the SHs sexy girl in the crew and nothing more.
She has in short a weapon of mass destruction, yet all it shows of her is Nami posing for a swimsuit. Don't get me wrong, I love how Nami is showing off what she has, its just that Nami could be so much more.
Nami can:
- predict the weather
- navigate through almost anything
- has weapon of mass destruction
- can makes accurate mapsnot that its being shown but whatever
Yet, the only thing Oda is showing is her beautiful body. There's a balance between a hot gorgeous girl and fighter, but he hasn't been showing Nami as nothing more than a way to lure guys into the manga. Really, can Nami really be only about fanservice?
Okay, i know this is probably really bad organization and such, but please try to keep it on those two questions for now. I'm not good at this, but this really needs to be said. Keep it within the perameters. Also, if somebody wants to reword these to make it clearer feel free too.