Nintendo's profits Went up 74 Percent
Microsoft (this surprised me) i think went up a good percent as well
Sony really needs to do some spring cleaning
Maybe a more competent staff, or PR
The battery incident could of easily been avoided with more vigorous testing
i heard that one of those bad boys went off in somebody's lap to
And the reason some people might be cheering for sony's mishaps (SP?)
Is in the past sony has talked so much shit, (Kiddy market, Microsoft is a software company bleh bleh bleh) and screwed over so many (Ex:EUROPE)
And for the past 2 years, Sony has fallen flat on their face, PSP was what started this, Sony was so confident in dethroning nintendo AGAIN and this time in the handheld market
but that wasn't the case, Nintendo has a Gripping hold on the handheld market and they will never let go (until The next generation of handhelds that is)
(not saying the psp wasn't a Sucess, but it wasn't as big as everybody thought it was going to be)
And the surprising Finacial state that the 360 brought in, and with the Momentum the Wii is getting, That E3 was just, AWFUL for sony
(and the less then 100,000 ps3 Units on launch isn't really helping)
Maybe this is just sony getting a taste of what it did to its competitors in the past
But still, Sony better not fall in so deep where they can't get back up
Aslong as Sony thrives in the gaming market, More healthy competition
And more GOOD GAMES, which in reality is the only thing ANYBODY should be fighting over
They need to get rid of Phil though
That guy just…wow
Other then that