Ok, so I'm going to live up to my reputation here and "bitch" some more, or actually point out bullshit, double standards and asinine "rules".
Basically I just got a warning for expressing my opinion towards an event taking place in chapter 432. Of course, it was a negative opinion. The funny thing is, I clicked on the FAQ & rules icon and checked… And there's absolutely nothing forbidding people to form an opinion based on clear and undisputable info.
Now apparently the staff pulled a new set of rules out of their posterior region, only for spoiler threads, preventing people from "bitching", because supposedly we don't have enough information to form a complete opinion. Then I ask, what's the point of a spoiler thread? Why would the absolutely ridiculous, mindless enthusiasm displayed in majority in these threads be allowed and not skepticism and criticism, as in both cases we don't have the complete view of the chapter?
More importantly, what bothers me is how the staff's trying to pass off these new rules as a way to keep the atmosphere friendly as everytime the spoiler thread derailed, it was because the negative opinions were met with contempt, when it's not insults and bashing. Why not simply enforce the rules stating, you know, "be respective of other member's opinions" and "No trolling, bashing, or flaming. Respect all members, their opinions, and their posts"? It actually reminds me of that South Park episode where Catholic priests, when confronted with the problem of child abuse in the Church, were more worried about the way to reduce kids to silence, instead of trying to fight against their pedophile tendencies.
At least have the honesty to clearly state "this is a fan forum. Not being surgically attached to Oda's nutsack is a bannable offense".
Thank you for your time.