First I'll shortly introduce myself, I'm Magic Soup the webmaster of the french website http://eastblue.net. I'am not here to make promotion for myself so the question is : Why am I here ? (Good Question ^^)
I'm here to introduce a new project lead by myself (for the developping part of the website) and by two french fan of One Piece asked Straw Hat Star and Zorro Est Blond (for the scenario and the drawing). This project is to make a fanfiction drown (not sure for this term ^^).
I'am sorry for the reader that couldn't read or speak french because in a first time the text will be exclusively in French but that couldn't prevend you to watch/look the drawing.
Actually, the project had been stopped for making this :
Now that the website is up, the author will resume their work on the project.Enjoy the drawing and the read…and long life to One piece...