Mine's supposed to arrive on Friday.
Has yet to be dispatched. Looks like even amazon never got stock in.
Mine's supposed to arrive on Friday.
Has yet to be dispatched. Looks like even amazon never got stock in.
Mine's supposed to arrive on Friday.
Has yet to be dispatched. Looks like even amazon never got stock in.
Amazon tend to ship games on Thursday so you should still get it on Friday if you paid for first class shipping. GAME shipped mine yesterday, but it didn't arrive today so it will probably be tomorrow. But even when I get it I probably won't play it for a while.
Done. 20 hours. Nice plot. Great ending. Repetitive gameplay. Game needed a little more experimentation with the brush powers. Do not want to go back and get all the master pieces. I wanted to dig and poop on my enemies. X and Select button useless in battle. Chibiteratsu, the gods, and the kids are extremly cute. The game doesn't clearly says when is the point of no return.
Another brilliant marketing plan from Capcom! Release in Pokemon week…in minuscule numbers.
This and they don't even bother to translate it in languages other than english for Europe. They seem to want it to fail as badly as it can.
Whee! Finally got it in the mail! Will play soon!
mine came today. Was only posted out this morning (albeit at 5am)
so yaaay. Can't wait to play <3
So far so good. Although am I the only one who seems to be finding it's putting a lot of strain on the left thumb? Had to put it down after an hour.
But I suppose it'll be gone once I switch to the 3DS.
Started it today. Can't give a full opinion yet, but I will say one thing:
I miss the right analog-stick camera. Oh do I ever.
It was weird at first but I'm used to it now. Loving it thus far even if it is similar to the initial plot (reminds me a bit of Kanto in Gold and Silver) doing brush techniques is a lot easier too. Except maybe rejuvination (kinda wish they just kept the scribbling in it.)
Still. This along with Black/White has made me regain faith in games once more.
i found a copy today. i got other stuff to do though. :\
I really need to finish Okami, and then get this. I had no idea this was a sequel, I though it was a prequel.
wow. i wonder who else had the same problem. that's awful. i thought you got it already. :\
Dear Robby Bevard,
Thank you for ordering from the Capcom Online Store on December 5, 2010.
Good News! This is your confirmation that the following product(s) have
shipped. If you paid by credit card, your credit card has now been charged.
FINALLY! I'm only going to be getting the game a month late… and with a mere 10$ extra in shipping and tax over the store or Amazon price!
The "bonus" keychain plushy thing had better be amazing.
But its for sure the last time I ever pre-order from the Capcom store.
If I got it from Amazon, it'd be straight 29.99, free shipping. If I preordered it at gamestop, I'd get a stupid paintbrush stylus as a pre-order bonus (tho it'd probably come out to about the same price) … but also could guaranteed pick it up the day of release instead of counting on shipping.
So. Is the "free" bonus plush keychain thing worth the extra 9 bucks?
Tho given that Amazon has mysteriously stopped offering it for pre-order... and I clicked the submit button... the answer is yes.
Doc, it's me Marty! I have to warn you! I have to warn you about the FUTURE!
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
wow. i wonder who else had the same problem. that's awful. i thought you got it already. :\
A lot of people apparently. Only about half the preorders were met, including a ton of people who ordered the first day it was available.
The ONLY upside is it gave me time to go through and do everything on Pokemon… but that's not really in their favor either.
From what I understand, the Capcom Store is notorious for shitty shipping shenanigans like that.
Thats why I usually go brick and mortar if theres something that ABSOLUTELY want to play on launch day.
Well, I've gotten through the first two bosses, and I'm finally starting to get into a groove.
The combat is definitely not as fluid as the original, though. And I don't blame the DS on that score either, the fighting's just . . . . awkward. In Okami after the first couple hours I could tear through enemies like no tomorrow, but here it takes forever. sigh Maybe when I finally get my hands on some holy beads or something . . . .
i just don't like that i'm just randomly mashing a button to attack. I could be blindfolded and do it. and the movement is aquard to tell what's going on. I just rescued some mermaid. gotta play some more.
Finally got the game earlier in the week (along with plush which has a sort of lopsided smile…) and I couldn't touch it initially cause I had deadlines. Finally started last night and I've clocked a couple hours into it. Past the first boss and onto the next area.
Man, right off the bat I was just missing having all the old abilities. Slash and tree restore especially, since spots to hit that with are just littered all over the place, glad those were given back pretty quickly... tho I suppose they were given early in the original as well.
Chibi is overall, not as good as his mommy. He can't dig, he can't double jump, he doesn't gain speed as he runs around (which was one of my favorite subtle touches when it came to controlling Ammy) and apparently he can only use a single weapon at a time, no multi-tooling, because of the teammate mechanic. Which is all a massive shame became the flawless control of Ammy was one of the true joys of the old game. It was fun just to run around.
Also, maybe I'm just not far enough, but is there no animal feeding in this one? It was a sort of pointless excercise before, and it was impossible to get every animal, but it gave a little bit of happiness and felt like you were restoring the land and helping out more than just endlessly replenishing the trees.
Also, REEEALLY missing the ability to easily rotate the camera. Which is akward cause there's spots where it will let you by clicking on the map, and spots it won't. Memory limitations I guess.
I'm okay with it being all re-makey with the same characters and and territories to explore, I expected that going in, and its Okami goodness, but I'm not terribly fond of the cuts being made in the control of the main character, and in the side stuff. (What, no turnip digging minigame? No racing around the plains against a message delivering runner anymore? The dojo guy has gone away?) Things I wouldn't care about at all if I hadn't played the original obviously, but... they're sticking out to me badly given how much I DID play it.
Hopefully there's gonna be more new content and stuff later.
In Okami after the first couple hours I could tear through enemies like no tomorrow, but here it takes forever. sigh Maybe when I finally get my hands on some holy beads or something . . . .
Did you choose "Old Hand" or "Greenhorn" at the start? I went with Old Hand at the start in hopes it would skip needless tutorial… (and of course it didn't...) but apparently its the difference between easy and hard mode.
In greenhorn, ink pots auto restore themselves and monsters are easy to take out. In Old Hand, monsters are tougher and ink pots do NOT auto restore themselves and you have to rely on ink pots. Something that was bothering me until I realized it was my own doing.
. . . . . . I don't remember. I may have chosen Old Hand. It's getting easier now that I'm getting the hang of it (and I ditched Kuni), but I really miss those self-restoring ink pots.
. . . . is it too late to change? I do NOT want to replay all that. The game gets a lot more fun (to me) once you ditch Kuni and get new companions. Nanami is fun, and I just got the awesome awesome companion, Kagu. Way more fun than Kuni.
Yeah, if your ink isn't restoring, you picked hard mode.
Google doesn't show any way to easily change the difficulty setting. I was considering resettign myself, because yeah, the non restoring ink pots is annoying… but I'm already several hours in. At least the refill items are plentiful?
You get to chose again in New Game+ apparently though.
Though everywhere I look everyone says they're just playing hard mode anyway and its not too big a deal.
And I look forward to different companions.
ah ha ha. i chose greenhorn. :3 thanks for the comparison Robby. I have not played the original. sounds like it is still worth picking up.
Oh, it is. It sooooooooo is.
You might be able to find it for cheap for the PS2 now.
Oh, it is. It sooooooooo is.
You might be able to find it for cheap for the PS2 now.
Agreed. You have a Wii Captain too. You can get it for that. Might be even cheaper.
ah ha ha. i chose greenhorn. :3 thanks for the comparison Robby. I have not played the original. sounds like it is still worth picking up.
Yeah… I'm still not all that far into Okamiden, and I am enjoying it, (And I'd probably be in love if I hadn't played the original) but I'm already pretty confident that the original is better. The sheer fact that the character controls soooo much better, and that its able to contain larger maps makes for a much more immersive experience. I miss being able to jump off a high ledge to go down to the bottom area of a map. It really loses something when the first giant open field isn't a single continuous map, and its instead broken up into 8 pieces. (I suspect this is why the running minigame is gone, and why Chibi can't pick up running speed.)
Okamiden re-creates a lot of the same maps and locations and basically the story, (for the early portion at least, I hope there's a bit more change later) but theres already been a ton of nooks and crannys and minigames that just sort of aren't there anymore, and I expect that design sensibility to carry over to the rest of the game as well.
But yes, if you'r enjoying Okamiden at all, definitely check out the original. Usually sequels are supposed to be bigger and better and pack in more stuff, this seems kind of the other way around.
Yeah, there's just so much more stuff in the original. It looks better too.
Agreed. You have a Wii Captain too. You can get it for that. Might be even cheaper.
Eh, I still think the PS2 version is best. Wii has the "motion controls" but it really isn't better, it's just different.
PS2 Is the way to go, I wish I still had that one instead the wii one.
Just finished the third boss and met up with Kagu. Enjoying the game a lot and having more fun now that my arsenal of brush abilities is basically back up to snuff. I kinda wish there was a bit more variety in the abilities tho. So far, except for the companion guiding one, they've all been from the old game.
The sense of deja vu running through all the old areas and towns is really weird… particularly since a lot of treasures and puzzles are still in the same places. It really is like another playthrough of the old game... just with a different story and dungeons.
I've replayed other rpgs before so I've had the sense of familiarity before, but this one is weird cause... its different.
I picked up the game in Japan, thinking the kanji would have furigana since it's a kid's game. Nope. Makes everything stupid hard to read for me. Boy was I dumb. So I'm still only at Kamiki.
I loved the old music for Kamiki so much the remix put me off. Is the rest of the game's soundtrack decent?
The soundtrack is incredibly reminiscent of the original game's. I haven't paid a huge amount of attention to it, but I guess its mostly similar yet different remixes.
The title screen throws me off when the child voice says "Okami-den" since I got soooo used to the plain "Okami" whenever you'd start up.
Don't you mean Ooookami, oooookami
the game's alright. I'm having fun, but i'm not fangasming over it yet. I'm glad to hear the old game has better graphics. everyone raved over the art in the old game, but the new game's art …well, it's not bad, just not as awesome as i'd expected it to be. Cyber's right though. I have a Wii. not a PS3. That's fine though. The music; well, I mostly play at work on my breaks of the bus, so I usually have it turned off.
Nonono, CU, you need a PS2, not a PS3.
sigh I'm sorry this is your first experience with Okami. The original had better graphics and better gameplay. Waaaaaaay better.
Just watch Ammy run around in that clip. It's like night and day.
I haven't played the original yet, but after playing some of Okami-den,I wanna play it more!! the characters really suck me into their story and has me laughing at moments and bawling my eyes out other times. It is a great game so far, can't wait to finish it, then get the original…
If Okami-den is having that effect on you, the original is going to blow you off your feet.
Okami-Den is incredible, even if I see some lack of extra things to do (One of the reasons Okami is excellent), I can't say Okami-Den isn't good, it's awesome.
I was curious about the location of one of the pieces of something I was missing on a fetch quest, so I risked spoilering myself and checked game faqs to see where it was…
Dammit. There's missable items.
A lot of them.
I've been good about taking my time and exploring every nook and cranny so far, and I don't think I've hit the point of no return on anything... yet... but that worries me. Since apparently Issun's masterpieces are the stray beads of this game, and like... 10 of them are permanently missable.
I'm going to be really annoyed if I get to the end of the game and have 99 of them.
NOOOOOOOOO, not a stray bead equivalent!!!
I swear, getting that last damn bead, that last damn bead . . . . . . .
I mean, I prided myself on nailing the last Blockhead fairly easily (luck?), thinking that I would get the last bead no prob . . . . but that damn race . . . . THAT DAMN RACE . . .!!!!
The race and the blockhead.. I still have nightmares about them.. combined.. the blockhead is the race track, I have to power slash the points.. in the order, and try to stop HER (the other bitch) from doing it…
It's terrible...
I despised Blockhead from the first game
I even tried to use a pencil and paper to trace the dots while my brother inked them out, and it still took forfuckingever
The race and the blockhead.. I still have nightmares about them.. combined.. the blockhead is the race track, I have to power slash the points.. in the order, and try to stop HER (the other bitch) from doing it…
It's terrible...
It made me sad because I LIKED her character, but the damn race was making me hate her.
The worst thing is its not like the race is even the last bead in the game… its like bead #73 or something. Its just so damn impossible you put it off after getting your butt kicked enough times, and it ends up inevitably becoming the last bead.
It was at the point where I was ready to just beat the game rather than get the last bead, but I decided to give it one more try... and beat my old time by like 30 seconds. At that point I had to keep trying for another... 2 hours? 3? Until I finally did it. Uggh.
ANd Blockhead Grande... evil bastards. About all you could do is keep trying until he randomly spawned an easy pattern. Well, easier...
That one spot where you have to vine whip between like 10 different flowers in the sky (the absolute maximum your ink could produce...) to get to a faraway platform, and the camera doesn't do you any favors, and if you miss you fall into the lake and have to climb back up the stairs and start all over, was a pain too.
Tho in all those cases there was some satisfaction to pulling it off because it WAS hard.
NOOOOOOOOO, not a stray bead equivalent!!!
Same reward too. In New Game+ it gives you invincibility and unlimited ink. But… some of the pieces are permanently MISSABLE. (There's apparently a couple locations you can't go back to.) That's... just not fair.
. . . . . . . FUCK THAT!!!
Seriously, I'm enjoying Okamiden, but I don't think I'll go through a hell like that again just to get the special item.
As long as you don't check any online FAQS, you can always just tell yourself you already missed one so there's no point.
Though I think this time they're mostly in chests lying around in the open… since the minigames are mostly gone anyway.
Is Kamui still in the game?
oh ya, i'm stuck in a part
! after the mermaid bit, i'm all alone, and i have to make one of those magic trees on a hill grow, but it needs to "be watered" first. where do i get the water, or how do i get it to the tree?
! If you'll notice on the way up there were several levels, with a lake at the bottom. Use your waterspout brush to transfer the water from one dried up lake bed to the next, until you transfer it to the lake bed where the withered sapling is. Then bloom away!
! that's water? i didn't see any splashing when i ran over it, so i thought it was just discolored land.thanks Sat.
That's a puzzle that was actually in the first game as well, same location and everything. Since I knew what was coming I just solved the puzzle on my way up without even knowing what was at the top. Again triggering a weird deja vu.
It was more obviously water in the original.
Is Kamui still in the game?
Maybe? I'm only about 10 hours in, no telling.
LOTS of stuff from the first game carried over tho, so… maybe.
I'm finishing up with (I hope) the first dungeon with Kagu. I'll admit, it was pretty interesting. And the boss, VERY creative.
I'm finishing up with (I hope) the first dungeon with Kagu. I'll admit, it was pretty interesting. And the boss, VERY creative.
I'm a liiittle past that, but pretty much the same spot. She's still with you after the dungeon to wander around the city and do a couple little quests and least, but I dunno about after.
That bosses' second form was a pain because the dots just wouldn't connect for some reason… and then I realized they were still in ice... just invisible ice. But yeah, Okamiden's got some great creative bosses, definitely gotta give it that.
"my chibi pony" lol