OFFICIAL Image Macro Thread
the lost one i didn't really get myself, i found it on google
XD That was perfect after the fail of the last post.
XD That was perfect after the fail of the last post.
When you consider the avatar, it's even better.
(does that one need words?)
oh and
no shop needed
Here's a consolation if it means anything to you.
can I PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE use the freudian thoughts as an avatar??? I was DYING when I saw that one!!! XXDD
Janken Jack, what's with the pepper one now? -
Janken Jack, what's with the pepper one now?The most disturbing (and unfortunately true) rule of the internet:
Err, I don't know whether to take that as an insult, or what.
A philosophy I live by. Sometimes.
Err, I don't know whether to take that as an insult, or what.
Oh that's a new meme that surfaced that's called Godhand comic. The edits are all done so they keep the same stick figure appearance. Below are some other examples:
!Well, I found them amusing.
The tetris one is great. One of the best ones on the page.
I've always loved how Garfield comics get much more funny if you eliminate Garfield's text.
made this one myself
I admit that the Parappa one is pretty damn funny.
That child will be traumatized for the rest of his life.
That child will be traumatized for the rest of his life.
spoiler'd for risque clothingness
spoiler'd for risque manliness
Jack, I think you just made my mind ESPLODE. o___O. Good job?
! [qimg] god/1184917395216.jpg[/qimg]
spoiler'd for risque clothingness
I laughed my ass with that one.
spoiler'd for risque manliness
…WTH? Jungle King Gio-Chan?
that I came one turned me lesbian. instantly.
hahaha oh wow
Hahahah oh wow.
Zero, your posts never fail to amuse me.
! [qimg][/qimg]
spoiler'd for risque manliness
Bloody hilarious.
! [qimg] god/1184917395216.jpg[/qimg]
spoiler'd for risque clothingness
Now that was awesome.
! [qimg][/qimg]
spoiler'd for risque manliness
Giovanni punching a Chansey=amazing win.
Giovanni punching a Chansey=amazing win.
If you like that, check out my post in the desktop thread.
I'll try one…
^ Hahaha! I remember when Pichu sent me the first image of that, then hit me with the second. I felt it coming, but it still sucks.
I'll try two more. If not then, then oh well.
More epic 4Chan threads. Spoilered for length.
the last 2 ones were hilarious
Is it bad that I remember that episode of SpongeBob? XD.
i dont get … what is "/b/"?
This picture is so awesome that it deserves to be in this thread.
About the random text. I apoligize. But we all know that a picture only can be funny if there are words that are written over it. :P
More epic 4Chan threads. Spoilered for length.
Oh my… the first 2...
I never laughed SO HARD in my entire life
Straight from failchan:
Man that was just win.