Hello! I've been lurking for a bit now, but just got around to registering… At any rate, I've been doing an absolutely embarassing amount of OP fanart/doodles over the past few days, and I am really starting to feel sorry for the people who watch my scraps on DA, because… well... There's just too much of this stuff. :P
But hopefully some people here will enjoy it, and it justifies all the time I spend on this crap. :P
Sorry, most is in grayscale, as I've been on an OpenCanvas binge lately, and I just can't color in that program. :C Sorted more in order of subject than anything.
Tons and tons of Lucci:
Har har I tried to draw his half-way form. :') NEVER trying that again okay.
Also, while I'm very unlikely to change any of these since they're mostly just quick doodles (or in the case of some, quick doodles that just took way too long), more general critique and suggestions for future reference are more than welcome. :3