I'm actually lost for words and I don't know how to react
This has left me speechless.
thats just sad…sry if this is spam...but its just sad...
what exactly are they writing?
sorry its hard to judge a picture of kids writing things on bombs without knowing what exactly theyre saying.
what's leaving me speechless it the us government which is fucking everything the europe is trying to do to stop this war, just because they are economic partners with israel.
kids writing stuff on bombs don't know what they are doing.
I am very, very disgusted right now.
Where have you been for the past 3 and a half weeks?
I've seen these before. Shocking indeed. hyakamaru: One of the missiles says From Israel and Daniele; the others are in Herbrew. Where are these kids parents?? This is the world; it's a war between Arabs and Israel. And we can't fix it.
So I can say something against that without being labeled as anti-Semitic? Right on. Reminds me of a document I just saw where american, or was it british, soldiers wrote loads of crap on their bombs. Which they later dropped on people.
it's a war between Arabs and Israel. And we can't fix it.
Perhaps we can't but we can give tools to fix it. And it was us who really broke it to begin with.
Giving Israel its own state was one of the biggest mistakes in world history.
It's not their fault or anything, but making Israel a nation the way we did was incredibly stupid.
Yeah, can't really blame that fucking sycho Ahmadinejad when he says arabs actually paid for a crime commited by europeans.
This is going to get ugly, especially here in europe where tensions between communities will arise once more. Life is beautiful.
I heard about that on CNN, from what i understood it was a isolated incident, but still, letting children write those things on bombs, fucking bombs, that have already killed more than 400 innocent lebonese, it just made me sick.
I am not angry on the parent's of those children, because they were not there, but the fucking military, that had no problems with that. -
wow just wow. That is just…wow.
Giving Israel its own state was one of the biggest mistakes in world history.
It's not their fault or anything, but making Israel a nation the way we did was incredibly stupid.
Oh thank god I'm not the only one who feels this way.
As far as the current conflict goes though, I think this entire Israel/Lebanon thing is good for showing the US that no-fucking-way is Israel the total helpless puppy in the midst of all the AY-RABS – that picture's just about on rank with me with those of little five-year-old boys with uzis ready to storm out. Yeesh.
I actually liked Jon Stewarts take on the issue on tonights Daily Show
to turn Jerusalam into an international city so that no one group owns it since God is supposed to be for everyone neway
It's a shame that the Daily Show isn't real news, isn't it. :P
There's too much conflict in the area for that to ever work, unless we're talking like after a hundred years of peace.
I actually liked Jon Stewarts take on the issue on tonights Daily Show
to turn Jerusalam into an international city so that no one group owns it since God is supposed to be for everyone neway
I was thinking that too. It's suposed to be the holy land. It should belong to everyone.
Bomb the lot of 'em. Okay, it's a bit harsh. But they don't seem to listen to reason or logic. They don't listen when the EU or the UN tells them to stop. So blow 'em up.
Bomb the lot of 'em. Okay, it's a bit harsh. But they don't seem to listen to reason or logic. They don't listen when the EU or the UN tells them to stop. So blow 'em up.
Well ok you got a point, Hezbollah started everything, they fuck on the UN, EU, USA, but at the end who get's killed, a little boy/girl, because what? They are living in the wrong country at the wrong time. :sad:
But Israel is not making things better, if these are precision strikes, then i am 200 year old granny. What they are doing is making things worse. Millions of muslims are seeng children mutilated/killed, i smell bigger Jihad here. :getlost:
Thank you Israel for making thw world a better! -
No one gives a crap abt what the UN has to say nowadays. Since obviously the US has more say and power to everything than they do.
Well ok you got a point, Hezbollah started everything, they fuck on the UN, EU, USA, but at the end who get's killed, a little boy/girl, because what? They are living in the wrong country at the wrong time. :sad:
But Israel is not making things better, if these are precision strikes, then i am 200 year old granny. What they are doing is making things worse. Millions of muslims are seeng children mutilated/killed, i smell bigger Jihad here. :getlost:
Thank you Israel for making thw world a better!Ummm, precision strikes only go so far when Hezbollah INTENTIONALLY places every rocket launcher/command bunker next to or under a residence or civilian target.
An Israel has never been a helpless puppy, it has long had the best trained and equipped military force in that part of the world. Not to mention nukes.
I'm quite worried about the state of our world with pictures like this.
I simply can't believe that would seem okay to anyone.I'm not really sure about the political points of the situation, I'm kind of clueless to world events, but that picture and the quote just leaves me speechless.
I should be disgusted, but it's honestly no suprise.
Yea the world is a vile place anymore. Sadly, this is the tip of the bucket of evil in the world nowadays.
No one gives a crap abt what the UN has to say nowadays. Since obviously the US has more say and power to everything than they do.
ya, and a lot of people don't like the US.
this is a sad picture indeed, but I think the kitty stomping thread disturbed me more. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing….
What the duce is wrong with those people??? These are little kids we're talking about! Ugh… those pictures were just... bleah stupid war. Those little kids had nothing to do with it and still suffered...thanks for posting this, Taleran. F--k the military! Seeing those little kids writing on those godamned bombs that have killed so many inoocent children is just sickening...! >:3
It's a shame that the Daily Show isn't real news, isn't it. :P
But that's no reason to discredit it's opinions. They actually do seem to know what they're talking about, but throw in a lil comdeic twist, which is always hilarious. If you ever seen Jon Stewart being serious in a speech or interview, you'll see this guy isn't just a headline-dummy comedian.
God…I god...I really don't know what I wanna type in my head.
I always thought the world was peaceful these days and all the wars were decades ago, then the Iraq thing happened and now everyone is starting to goto war.....
I'm gonna be honest....if things keep going at this rate we are LITTERALLY gonna have a 'World War".
Tho I don't pay attention to news so I like to live in my little world of "everyone and thing is at peace".
But how long will this world we can imagine exist? I'm personally getting slightly scared...the USA has never come under a massive attack which wripped out alot like other countrys....I feel we are overdo for one...
I....I don't wanna get blown up, I have too many dreams to fullfill to die now.
I hope peace once again, triumps. And Bush doesn't get re-elected.
I hope peace once again, triumps. And Bush doesn't get re-elected.
Don't worry he won't. Presidents are allowed two terms and he is already on his second
Thank god for that. It sure doesn't seem to have been that long but thank god it has.
How much longer till his ass in out of there?
Oh goodness :sad: ..Just sick..
Has the world become this terrible? I hope peace shines once again bows
-___- I doubt if the world will ever have peace. I want to move to another planet..
I do not see what the problem is. Names on rockets. So? ~.~;;
Israel went waaay overboard with this offensive. Whenever Israel and Palestine get close to negotiating a peace agreement, something happens and Israel goes ballistic.
Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. They're part of the Lebanese government! People should really look at Project for a New American Century to see that Bush was just using Hezbollah's attack as an excuse to get at Syria and Iran.
Just realized we are stuck with Bush for 2 more years
But that's no reason to discredit it's opinions. They actually do seem to know what they're talking about, but throw in a lil comdeic twist, which is always hilarious. If you ever seen Jon Stewart being serious in a speech or interview, you'll see this guy isn't just a headline-dummy comedian.
that being said most comedians usually see the truth of issues better than the general populace
What is up with this "if Bush goes away", then we will have world peace. So he is one stupid president, but in the name of god, he is not responsible for every war in the world. I could be that in 2010 the world will have even more wars, Bush is not the source of all evil.
On this planet since man has existed there has been war and as long as man will exist there will be war. There are conflicts in Africa and Asia that are over 40 years old, forgotten wars. There are more wars in the world then you think, go to Wikipedia and you will see how many wars, that started after WWII are still ongoing.
Let's face it people we fucked this planet bad. -
You know, people take religion way too seriously.
What is up with this "if Bush goes away", then we will have world peace. So he is one stupid president, but in the name of god, he is not responsible for every war in the world. I could be that in 2010 the world will have even more wars, Bush is not the source of all evil.
Let's face it people we fucked this planet bad.Bush is a not only a born again Christian, he's a "protestant fundamentalist evangelical christian conservative", as radical a Christian as Osama bin Laden is a Sunni Muslim. He's also a "rapturist", which means he believes the "Book of Apocalypse" in the bible is to be taken literally (though, some bits like "people from around the world will get spared from God's wrath" are taken out, since GOD'S ONLY CHOSEN PEOPLE ARE WHITE PROTESTANT CHRISTIANS"). Rapturists are descendent from the hellfire-fearing Calvinists of the eighteenth century, and they WANT Israel to cause massive destruction because it'll jumpstart the Apocalypse, which takes place in the Middle East.
Historically, Congress, the President, and all manner of civil servants have BARRED these kinds of radicals from EVER taking public office, because they will abuse their office and attempt to push their religion on other people. "Separation of Church and State".
Only two rapturists were ever elected to high office. John Ashcroft from Kansas as a Senator (and he was soundly kicked out of office), and George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election.
wow. Thanks to that post, it suddenly makes sense why Bush is doing all this and acting stupid.
So does that mean that Billy Graham had a part in this war?
So does that mean that Billy Graham had a part in this war?
I would think so, though it it's possible to imagine, he's less extreme than President Bush. Graham is not a born again; born agains value their own hides over those of others, and as a preacher, he's inherently dedicated to the betterment of other people. He might make born-agains out of people, but he isn't one himself.
He is, however, an extremely strong advocate of Israel, which is strange, as he's also extremely anti-semetic. Ergo, I would think he supports Israel because it is a powderkeg for the Apocalypse.
I wish the Jews either give up Israel or make it an international city. That would be like smearing hot cow manure in the face of radical christian fundamentalists.
I was speaking about him converting Bush, but your point's just as valid.
Frankly, I'm not sure how Calvinism ever caught on as a Protestant movement. Compared to Lutherans, who believed in some sort of free will, the Calvinists believed in predestination of the soul. From what I've read of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, God (the one Christians accept, anyway) is clearly the author of all evil. Or at least, that's how I interpreted it. A Calvinist would simply remark that I was wrong. They'd also say that it was a clear sign that I was predestined to Hell.
Xetilimn, when you speak of making Israel a free city, did you mean the whole state of Israel, or just Jerusalem? Not attacking your point, I just wanted clarity.
I wanted to ask for clarification on this whole manner, as polotics and war seem to go over my head. I was hesident to ask though, cause I know these are all touchy subjects. By all means though, feel free to keep explaining things, as I am enjoying reading them, and understanding. (just keep away from the bashing, I don't want any arguments to start, or hurt feelings)
This "bush is starting the apocolipse thingy";l rolls eyes "why are you (bush) attempting to play god?!"
I've always regarded Bush as just a mediocre president, not some kind of world devourer.
About Jersusalem being a city of God for all people to see; in the Old Testament, the Israelites are referred to as "God's chosen people," so…. that's where their justification comes from.
I dunno, it's kinda like uh…. what's his name.... Mel Gibson. The drunkard supposedly was talking nonsense when he said the Jews were to blame for every war. But really, more than likely he himself believes that and that was really the truth.
Frankly, I'm not sure how Calvinism ever caught on as a Protestant movement. Compared to Lutherans, who believed in some sort of free will, the Calvinists believed in predestination of the soul. From what I've read of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, God (the one Christians accept, anyway) is clearly the author of all evil. Or at least, that's how I interpreted it. A Calvinist would simply remark that I was wrong. They'd also say that it was a clear sign that I was predestined to Hell.
Easy. It's rooted in child psychology! "I am better than you, I have more privelages than you" was the primary driving force toward conversion and acceptance of Calvinism.
That's the whole irony of the religious movement, actually. See, born-against Christians, as part of their life's mission, are supposed to have other people "born again" as well; however, without "non-believers" to look down upon, the whole religious movement will fall apart, id est, if everyone becomes "born-again", and therefore everyone equally saved before God (as a born-again is guaranteed into heaven NO MATTER WHAT, EVEN MASS GENOCIDE like our president).
Xetilimn, when you speak of making Israel a free city, did you mean the whole state of Israel, or just Jerusalem? Not attacking your point, I just wanted clarity.
Israel itself is not just a holy land for the Jews; the Muslims and Christians like it, too. Making all of Israel international would be a wonderful event, and I think it would be a necessary step toward world peace.
However, both the Jews and the Muslims are intolerant. The radicals cannot stand even their own relegious offshoots (Sunni Muslim v. Shi'ite Muslim), let alone Christians or Jews. Furthermore, the Jews have a dislike of the Muslims, too, for taking back their Holy Land after they "shooed off dem lads".
About Jersusalem being a city of God for all people to see; in the Old Testament, the Israelites are referred to as "God's chosen people," so…. that's where their justification comes from.
The universal hubris of relegion is that all sects that worship Allah/Jehovah/Yahweh consider themselves "God's chosen people"; even those scientologists and their Xenu.
Making Israel a international state would do little to make the region a better place. The palestinians would still want all their land back, the Jew would say that it is theirs and only they sould control it, and the rest of the muslims would just want the jews the go away. Besides it is not about the Holy Land anymore. This war is beeing controled to some extend by Iran, this is a diversion. They want nukes, we don't want them to have nukes, so they just start a proxy-war and all the world has it's eyes on Lebanon, while Iran continues is goal to make nukes.
Well at least Quatar, UAE and Bahrain are all happy and buidling those nice little islands. -
Easy. It's rooted in child psychology! "I am better than you, I have more privelages than you" was the primary driving force toward conversion and acceptance of Calvinism.
That's the whole irony of the religious movement, actually. See, born-against Christians, as part of their life's mission, are supposed to have other people "born again" as well; however, without "non-believers" to look down upon, the whole religious movement will fall apart, id est, if everyone becomes "born-again", and therefore everyone equally saved before God (as a born-again is guaranteed into heaven NO MATTER WHAT, EVEN MASS GENOCIDE like our president).
Israel itself is not just a holy land for the Jews; the Muslims and Christians like it, too. Making all of Israel international would be a wonderful event, and I think it would be a necessary step toward world peace.
I'm sorry. Can you explain that to me better? How would that be better? this entire feud started because we decided to put the Jews in the area to resolve the problem of where to put them, thereby starting aggravation in the Palestinian community. Most of this is because they believe themselves God's chosen people and that this land is their land. Even if we, ourselves, decide to make it international, it is the intolerance, as you stated, that inhibits this.
However, both the Jews and the Muslims are intolerant. The radicals cannot stand even their own relegious offshoots (Sunni Muslim v. Shi'ite Muslim), let alone Christians or Jews. Furthermore, the Jews have a dislike of the Muslims, too, for taking back their Holy Land after they "shooed off dem lads".
Well, let's face it. This entire war is about Religion. Just look at Hezbollah for example and their strife against Israel. They blow up civilians, Israel blows up civilians, no matter how accidental they make it say, like that supposed ware of weapons they were "targeting".
The universal hubris of relegion is that all sects that worship Allah/Jehovah/Yahweh consider themselves "God's chosen people"; even those scientologists and their Xenu.
So, you're saying that these people really don't care about all the other people because, unless they convert, they're gonna die and go to Hell or any other version of something like that?
i say, if people understand once and for all that god, as the father of jesus or as allah, don't exist and was a mean to control people in the past, everything will be solved. but i think it will happen in 100 years.
i don't say there is no supreme being who made the universe, i really don't know, but saying allah or God made human beings and everything else and that we have to live as the bible or the coran or even the torah say or else we'll go to hell, is a little too much.
i say, if people understand once and for all that god, as the father of jesus or as allah, don't exist and was a mean to control people in the past, everything will be solved. but i think it will happen in 100 years.
Aye. We should all just read the Golden Bough and get on with our lives.
i don't say there is no supreme being who made the universe, i really don't know, but saying allah or God made human beings and everything else and that we have to live as the bible or the coran or even the torah say or else we'll go to hell, is a little too much.
That's kind of how my dad and I feel about this. We believe that there is a supreme being out there. We just don't know who did this. So is does this religion have the definite answer? Did they actually meet this supreme being? NO. So why fight when you don't even know the truth?
I'm sorry. Can you explain that to me better? How would that be better? this entire feud started because we decided to put the Jews in the area to resolve the problem of where to put them, thereby starting aggravation in the Palestinian community. Most of this is because they believe themselves God's chosen people and that this land is their land. Even if we, ourselves, decide to make it international, it is the intolerance, as you stated, that inhibits this.
No…the feud started thousands of years ago when the Jews came out of the "desert", found the lad of Israel and kicked off the people who were already living there (who would later become Muslims).
If Israel becomes an international city, I'm already implying that the Muslims, Jews, and Christians will have put aside their radical differences and were willing to live peacefully with one another; ergo, that's an impossibility at this point, because the people are too zealous.
As my favourite philosopher, Karl Marx, once said, "religion is the opium of the masses".
So, you're saying that these people really don't care about all the other people because, unless they convert, they're gonna die and go to Hell or any other version of something like that?
It's a paradoxical issue. Born-agains believe that, once born again, they are guaranteed a place in heaven, no matter what. However, it's part of their religious faith to make as many other people born-again as well; this contrasts traditional protestant or Catholic views, which state that entry into heaven is granted by good deeds, piety, and benevolence, in contrast to forging a "personal relationship with God".
However, inherently, born-againts have an arrogance about them, where they love to denounce people who are not "born-again" and refuse to convert, id est, radical Muslims. If everyone became born-again, they couldn't denounce people, which would "take all the fun" out of being a born-again.