Its obvious the way the anime is going that once Enies Lobby is finished that the anime will be right on the heels of the manga. So heavy doses of fillers will probably be required. I think this would be a good time to show all of the cover stories that the anime has ignored up until now. It eats up time and it'll make sure we won't have to see anything like Apis or Memory Loss fillers for at least a while. I just wanted to voice my opinion, what does everyone else think?
Fillers After Enies Lobby
I'd like to see the cover storys…
Or we could get something like G8, which was a good filler arc. But I agree - cover arcs are the better of the two choices.
Yeah, TV speicials based on the covers would be really neat.
That way they don't have to really call it filler or add to the episode count, although maybe making them into specials wouldn't be a good idea….
I think they should make a filler about each of the CP9, and like have their lifestory… Each one gets two episodes. Then have the cover stories <_<
I wouldn't mind something as good as G8 again, but I would love to see the cover stories in anime form, especially Ace's.
Ace's cover story I think would be great to see. And unlike the Wapol, Gedatsu, and Hachi cover stories this one seems to have somthing to do with the main plot. Just like Buggy's and Coby's both had to do with the main plot.
And on top of that we haven't seen Ace in a while anyway. Not to mention, there is a possibility of seeing Ace and possibly White Beard and Black Beard in the manga soon (whether its scenes showing what they're up, or full appearances in an arc) so doing Ace's cover story as filler would be a nice transition into those scenes.
If we see any filler-filler, hopefully it'll be good AND short.
If they don't animate the Baroque works story, then none of them will be animated. Though I hope they are…
Or we could get something like G8, which was a good filler arc. But I agree - cover arcs are the better of the two choices.
I heard somewhere that the 2 cover stories that were animated didn't get good ratings. So, that's why Toei does filler arcs instead. It's a shame really, because I want to see Gedatsu's Blue Sea adventure animated. If they did decide to do one, that would probably be it. Either that, or Ace sneaking into that Marine base to find the whereabouts of Blackbeard.
Obviously, it's too late to show how Jango ended up as a Marine and became Fullbody's partner. I really didn't like Wapol's either. Maybe it's because I started reading the manga in the middle of it. Besides, I really don't see that connecting with the main story, unless he shows up again.
Wait, how could I forget about the Baroque Works cover story that Oda recently finished? I definetely want to see that one after Enies Lobby.
I heard somewhere that the 2 cover stories that were animated didn't get good ratings. So, that's why Toei does filler arcs instead. It's a shame really, because I want to see Gedatsu's Blue Sea adventure animated. If they did decide to do one, that would probably be it. Either that, or Ace sneaking into that Marine base to find the whereabouts of Blackbeard.
Obviously, it's too late to show how Jango ended up as a Marine and became Fullbody's partner. I really didn't like Wapol's either. Maybe it's because I started reading the manga in the middle of it. Besides, I really don't see that connecting with the main story, unless he shows up again.
Wait, how could I forget about the Baroque Works cover story that Oda recently finished? I definetely want to see that one after Enies Lobby.
lol they could make it like…
Jango sleeping in the ship...remembering how he met fullbody...and the ep is basically his dream etc :P -
As long as we don't see another filler arc with some annoying kid, I'm cool with anything else that Toei decides to do.
I hope we don't have 80 filler eps in a row after E. Lobby, unlike a "Ninja" anime….
There's a post by Crossbones in K-F's forum (raw thread) with the entire list of OP episodes ratings-wise.. that list debunks this "cover stories got bad ratings" myth. I have no idea why Toei dropped the covers for good.
Anyway, a sequence of 10-15 filler episodes after EL will be enough, as happened before Jaya, the difference between manga and anime was pretty much the same then.
So 10-15 weeks of fillers huh? At least it's no like Naruto or Bleach. I hate their fillers. One Piece fillers are actually kind of enjoyable.
So 10-15 weeks of fillers huh? At least it's no like Naruto or Bleach. I hate their fillers. One Piece fillers are actually kind of enjoyable.
I just hope Toei is watching the debacle that is Naruto filler, and doing as much as possible to avoid being in filler for a zillion seasons…
As soon as EL ends, they should just go on break for at least a month...
You know, instead of fillers they could postpone the Animé for a few months, and during that time pull a Mobile Suit Gundam and make compilation movies for theatrical release. You know, taking the footage from the series (but adding in a little new footage) and splicing them into movies. It could work if they did it right (the first would most probably go up to the end of the Buggy arc)…
wow. whut a bad idea. XD
cover stories woud be nice. and WHAT IS THE G8 ARC? what episdoes are these?!?!?
196-206…i think
An Ace cover story filler would be fun, but anything with Ace would be fun...
I'd love to see the cover stories animated….but I have little faith Toei will do it...
I just think they'd want to spend their animation budget on something they find meaningful despite us fans find cover stories meaningful.
There's a post by Crossbones in K-F's forum (raw thread) with the entire list of OP episodes ratings-wise
I just spent fifteen minutes searching the raw thread to no avail… and k-f has no search function on their forum... could anyone link this?
I know this may not account as a filler as such, but I'd like to see the SH leave Water 7 (assuming that they go back to get a new ship) and as a filler we (the audience ^^) get to stay of Water 7 for an episode or two to see how the lives of Galley-La and Franky Family go from now on.
Then a filler arc like the Baroque Works cover arcs, that'd be nice. After Water7/Enies Lobby, we can expect probably a month of fillers at least.
If the Straw-Hats end up meeting Bon-chan, I predict a flashback to the coverstory before the current arc continues.
wow. whut a bad idea. XD
cover stories woud be nice. and WHAT IS THE G8 ARC? what episdoes are these?!?!?
G8 was a filler arc immediately following the Skypiea saga in which the Going Merry lands in the middle of a Marine base instead of open sea. As such the Straw Hats split up and disguise themselves as Marines or other people in the base. I found it to be hilarious.
I want to see all the cover stories. Or maybe a quick arc like the Memory Loss one.
I want Toei to do the cover stories but as I mentioned I have little hope in them doing so, and as stated before they showed or refferenced nothing about Jango's cover story when Jango and Fullbody showed up at the end of Alabasta so them doing it for others in the future is very slim.
Tell you the truth, I rather enjoy many fillers. I'm quite enjoying the Bleach fillers. One Piece has never had a long filler arc, which surprises me how they've stayed so in sync with the manga. The longest fillers we had were 13 episodes and that was THREE filler arcs back to back.
If handled nicey I wouldn't mind a 20+ One Piece filler arc, but most likely just like the fans of Bleach and Naruto (tho I don't watch or read naruto so I don't acknowledge its fans) will bitch and this forum would become filler bashing everywhere just like Club Bleach where I'm the lone survivor of "person who enjoy fillers most of the time and is enjoying this one".
Its…a sad and lonely world.
Maybe they could make up a new sidestory and make that a filler.. Enel's journey on the moon. Have him find craters and bring home moonrocks and stuff..
…....the day Arlong Parks own Eneru's Life on the Moon becomes animated by Toei is the day the world freezes over. But seriously, that'll never happen man.
wait… g8 arc were fillers?!!!!! Wow that arc was awesome, hopefully the fillers after enies lobby will be of the same quality.
Yep, G8 is deffenetly good. Tho its hard to think of it at the time if you're watching an anime which has pretty much fighting in every episode or so and you're watching one with hardly any to none then its easy to tell its filler.
As for fillers, I honestly did like G8 but Goatsex and Apis to me was just, "Meh"
Anyhow, I would love to see some Ministories such as Hachi's, Geditsu's, and Ms. Goldenweek's stories..
But, those are all unlikely in their ways. Other than that, I just want a filler that helps Franky bond more with the Mugiwaras IF he joins them.
Yeah, I imagine that they'll be a relatively long filler to distance the anime from the manga, it's really close right now. Still, it would be tolerable if the coverstories get animated.
Maybe the next manga arc will be short, so Toei can animate it sooner.
Man, I had high hopes for cover stories to be animated, especially since I don't pay attention to them.
I don't see why thye are frowned upon, when they own the fillers' asses.
Unless we are talking about some G8 level filler story, which is awesome (still in the progress of seeing it through k-f subbing).
I was watching the Buggy cover story, and it was pretty boring. Even if Oda made up all the key points to the events, that's all they're really worth. When the anime filled up the events surrounding the key points, it's just really dragged out. Hence Oda's purpose NOT to drag them out. Yet the anime does, if they cover them. Just the way I see it. However, I didn't keep up with the Ace one, and since Ace is the best (Toei agrees), it might be good, though possibly out of place. AND actually, watching them once is pretty good, which turns them automatically into at least decent filler, unlike Apis, etc. I mean, they are about characters and minor events with them that Oda made up; I don't think I remember being bored watching Buggy's and Coby's the first time around. I kinda' have the urge to watch Coby's again…no wait, I remember everything that drawn out. Here I am back where I started, but my main point is good......if you can find it.
I vote a long filler arc. I think most fillers are good tell you the truth.
I vote a long filler arc. I think most fillers are good tell you the truth.
So long as we are not talking about the relentless Naruto fillers, One Piece ones are a lot of fun I think. G8 and the memory loss one with the sea horse ^^" Those were good.
I don't want one that is too long, 2 months (sounds so long but it is only like 8-10 episodes)?
There is a problem with filler arcs immediately after Enies Lobby though; we have absolutely no idea when the Straw hats ever have time to rest again. I mean, after an attack on the WG of this magnitude, I wouldn't be surprised if Oda increased the pacing of the series, with the plot advancing quicker…which would make original filler troublesome.
I mean, It'd be quite strange to see the Straw hats stumble across some little goat-island or having fun-filled filler tusles with the marines seconds after a Narrow escape from EL, where theyv'e possibly become some of the worlds most dangerous criminals.THe way I see it, cover stories and special episodes, or a loooooong break are they ways to go...
as long as there isn't too much annoying brat (rainbow mist was unwatchable) or old jeezer pursuing a boring dream (goatsex, go to hell), anything's ok with me. even the apis arc was better than these.
don't have too much hope in the cover stories animated.
I stopped watching Naruto at episode 55 so I never seen it fillers, I'm considering picking back up on watching Naruto again but I want others opinions on if I should even bother.
All I know is I'm enjoying the Bleach filler arc yet everybody else hates it and think I'm a total "dumbass noob" for likeing them.
They fail to realize fillers are not suppose to be worked into the story 100% and they are suppose to be watched as their own and not as part of the story. And so what if everyone is weaker? If they were strong they'd own everyone and it'd be boring as hell!
^^When Ichigo fights Kariya in where the show is saying they will be fighting in (I don't want to give spoilers even if it is filler) everyone will be stronger, so I am having a better outlook on the Bleach fillers now. As for One Piece fillers, I am all for it. As long as they don't suck like the Warship Island Arc and the Naruto fillers, I'll be happy.
I know one thing, there's no way they won't put a one-episode Nami filler!@#
Oh, and I think fillers like the one with goats and the likes of episodes when they help randomly to somone on a small island and go away. Luffy's just to famous and from now on I won't have the same feeling, it's going to change alot. -
I actually had this really strange dream last night. It was about the Enies Lobby arc, where Lucci got angry from Gear Third and commited suicide bombing, killing everyone in the whole Lobby. Luffy was the only surviver and then these credits appeared saying
"Enies Lobby [C P 9] - Finished". O_O;;