What would Ussop be like with the power of the Flare-Flare fruit?
Ussop with the power of a cursed fruit.
That would be horrible. Usopp is just fine reliying on weaponry and creativity to defeat his opponent, much more interesting than just throwing fire from his hands.
What gave it away man, "cursed fruit?" Him calling Zoro Zolo?
It's Zolo in English Zoro in Japanese.
That doesn't look like a Zolo to me.
Or here on the same wanted poster: http://groups.msn.com/onepiecemanga/onepiecechapter236.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=4551
just a little tidbit.
It's Zolo in English Zoro in Japanese.
And One Piece comes from Japan, so we will call him by his Japanese name. That's what most of us we watch, the Japanese version. BUT you can call him Ballarina-man for all I care, just don't tell us what to call him.
"omg a dubbie, send him to aushwitz"
It's Zolo in English Zoro in Japanese.
on AP, it's zoro. quit starting pointless threads. where's the mods cries
or at least the ghost busters…..someone, anyone.... -
It's okay if you want to call him Zolo… Just... As long as you don't tell us to call him that.
Also, chill with the topics. You're kinda making too many at once.
Yeah, I'll be fine with you using Zolo or Zoro as long as you stop making pointless threads.
And One Piece comes from Japan, so we will call him by his Japanese name.
Er, yes, I agree it's Zoro, but if you're going with that mindset we'd all be calling the captain "Rufui" and the doctor "Chopaa." >_>
OR, we'll go with what's in the data books, where Oda romanizes the names.
Haha, I agree with Carter here. Don't have a coronary.
Usopp's strength is in his ingenuity, as has been said before. Giving him raw power wouldn't necessarily ruin him, but it would sort of degrade his dream, wouldn't it? His words at Little Garden indicate to me that he wants to be strong by himself, with his own pride; a Devil's Fruit would ruin that to some degree, I think.
Hehe, just to warn you, you will probably never cease to get criticised for using dub names here, because everyone pretty much…hates the dub. And the reasons for the changes in names are really stupid.
Anyway...Usopp doesn't need any devil fruit power. His strength is in his weapon building and his sharpshooting abilities. Plus he's tough as nails when it comes to endurace, he's pretty much on par with Zoro in that regard.
We already have a bunch of DF users in the crew, I think that would cause Usopp to become kind of useless in the sense of the plot and character development.
Don't forget that the fruits all carry negative aspects as well. -
His words at Little Garden indicate to me that he wants to be strong by himself, with his own pride
Hah, I see how you used that against the dub fan
And to the initial question: just no.. that's like breaking sanji's legs (Although breaking David Moo's legs is tempting).
I wouldn't say that's like breaking Sanji's legs, more like giving him super cyber implants. Meaning he doesn't need it, he's fine the way he is.
Still, It would be kind of interesting to think of Usopp with a some sort of non-conventional DF ability. Something that dosen't make him all-powerful, but not something pretty useless, (i.e: Apis or Bellamy)
Er, yes, I agree it's Zoro, but if you're going with that mindset we'd all be calling the captain "Rufui" and the doctor "Chopaa." >_>
Am I the only person who can clearly hear the Japanese voices say "Luffy?"
I think it would be a major drop for Usopp's character if he just ate some uber-powerful Akuma no mi.
Usopp is the common man. He wins fights with his brain.
Also, I distinctivly hear Luffy, as well.
see, I don't know japanese, but I swear L's and R's are interchangeable sounds. If they arn't, then it sure sounds like it.
see, I don't know japanese, but I swear L's and R's are interchangeable sounds. If they arn't, then it sure sounds like it.
They are.
That's the first thing I learned about the Japanese language. They could've called Mario Malio, though it's the exact same thing in Japanese. L and R sounds are interchangable.Last but not least, I claim this page in the name of stupcarps.
**I would like to see a Devil Fruit with the power of an Ussop.
but, yeah a DF would ruin him. It would ruin any SH that didn't have the DF before-hand.**
Luffy321CursedFruit, how old are you?
Does it matter, guys?
Big deal, so he likes the dub. That doesn't mean we have to give him a questionair…
Don't take it the wrong way man…its just....4kids is the antichrist here and as such we will try to convert you to the true God of the Japanese version.
Yeah. Luffy321 Cursed Fruit isn't the one to blame. It's all 4Kids's fault for misleading the viewers.
But its their fault for refusing to turn to the japanese version.
And don't give me the "can't download" crap, cause most can.
Whats ironic is, Luffy is bleeding in his avatar. >P
maybe he didnt know till now at this forum but now everybody made him feel unwanted with all the dub bashing
It can't be helped. When this happens the dubbie will either convert to the japanese version or not and feel misplaced.
its a 50/50 chance…
maybe he didnt know till now at this forum but now everybody made him feel unwanted with all the dub bashing
we should welcome any dubbie that comes here insteed of bashing them. otherwise they'll return to the 4Kids forum and continue not knowing how to spell Zoro's name or more importantly how awsome the original is.
I'm gonna go and spam the 4Kids Forums. Wish me luck in enemy territory.
I'm gonna go and spam the 4Kids Forums. Wish me luck in enemy territory.
So you're telling me that because he uses "Trace"... Or because he uses "Chaser" or "Zolo"... We should be rude to him? Because he likes the dub in general?
I'd thought you guys were better than that.
Look, I have no problem telling him the correct names and "suggesting" to him to watch the original version.
But when people come in and start saying "Dubbie alert! Dubbie alert!" or asking how old they are, just because they use dub terms, that's when it's crossing the line.
Point is, we shouldn't belittle people just because they like the dub.
Jesus Christ I couldnt survive a second there, btw romangod, i asked him how old he was because I wondered if his mind was "dubbied" by 4Kids. Not knowing what the true One Piece is.
Apparently I can't post until an admin verifies it or something. Even the forums suck in 4Kids.
Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with you people
Next you'll be talking about separate but equal forums to make people that watch the dub to talk in
Go outside or something
Indeed. What the hell is wrong with you all? It's the 4Kids forum. There's no point as to spamming it. You're not going to make any progress doing it.
Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with you people
Next you'll be talking about separate but equal forums to make people that watch the dub to talk in
Go outside or something
I was hoping you'd post something like this. And I completley agree. Yay for Carter!
Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with you people
Next you'll be talking about separate but equal forums to make people that watch the dub to talk in
Go outside or something
I would like to but it's midnight outside. Besides, I get an hour of exercise almost every day.
I agree with everyone else, no Devil Fruit for Usopp.
As for the "Zolo" thing, that never bothered me. In fact, I don't understand why so many people bitch about it like that's the worst thing 4Kids did to One Piece. I'm not pointing any fingers, I'm just making a point.
"OMG TEHY CHANGD TEH R 2 TEH L DIE 4KIDS LOL!!!!!!!!!1111!!11!1"
It's mind-boggling!
I mean… It's because... Zoro is perfect. ZoLo sounds so... akward.
Zoro is perfect! Only a retard would change it!
well if they wanted to then why didn't htey just call him Zorro and give him a Spanish accent? >.>
Zoro, Zolo… I don't mind either way.
All I know is I was HELLA confused when I went from watching the dub to reading fanfiction. I just gave up and didn't say his name for awhile.
There, now no ones unhappy, no r or l. XD
he's Zoo now. Think of all the puns that could come from it.
"I'm Zoo, and my animals have come out to play. ""Hawk wave!""Lion's Song!""rhinosceros spin" HAHAHA!
Haha. Or you could just use both. Zorlo! Or Zolro!
I dunno I am kinda odd, whenever I see zolo it pisses me off because it reminds me of them editing the manga to match the dub, and how horrible the dub is destroying my beloved one piece and all.
Haha. Or you could just use both. Zorlo! Or Zolro!
Sounds like a Power Ranger Villian….
i don't care if people watch the dub, but if someone gets overexcited and starts a million threads with less than stellar topics, I'd wonder their age too. Young people are good at getting over excited. Everyone else here would get flamed for doing that, so newbies, and dubbie lovers are no different.
There, now no ones unhappy, no r or l. XD
Y'know, after reading that, for some reason I thought of the movie Zoolander
well if they wanted to then why didn't htey just call him Zorro and give him a Spanish accent? >.>
That's why they changed it in the first place, I think. Zorro is copyrighted.