I thought that this would be interesting topic to start as there are probably soooooo many people out there (like me) who have just started up in the AMV making business and haven't really been given any credit for their work.
After having spent many hours battling with windows movie maker and trying very hard, I have made several AMV's that have been posted on youtube. I don't know if I have done anything wrong or not as out of everyone who has watched them, very few have rated or commented and I don't know why. So this is what this page is for…
This can be a place where we can post/upload links to the AMV's we've personally made (any anime) and see what others have to say about them. It can also be a place for others to help us out by makeing surgestions on what to improve and what to do next time so we can make the best :happy:
Oh, and if you are not a newby but have made some really great AMV's to, please put them up here as well ^_^
Here are the links to all the AMV's I've made so far. I Hope you like them :wub:
-One Piece-Digimon
-FMA -Tokyo MM