Anyone else heard of this movie? I'm very interested in it. It uses the same animation technique used in "Waking Life."
I'm making plans to see it eventually.
Anyone else heard of this movie? I'm very interested in it. It uses the same animation technique used in "Waking Life."
I'm making plans to see it eventually.
One of the movies I've been excited for and definately plan on seeing. It's based on a book I beleive, in any case it looks pretty awesome.
Based on a Philip K. Dick story; other movies based on his stories include Minority Report and Blade Runner, and numerous others. He's kind of a Hollywood goldmine… but yeah, the animation looks really interesting, and it's supposed to be more authentic to the original than other adaptations of his work, which means more melancholy atmosphere and, well, less explosions.
My niece saw it and was pretty excited about. I also loved Waking Life, so I look forward to seeing this.
Based on a Philip K. Dick story; other movies based on his stories include Minority Report and Blade Runner, and numerous others. He's kind of a Hollywood goldmine… but yeah, the animation looks really interesting, and it's supposed to be more authentic to the original than other adaptations of his work, which means more melancholy atmosphere and, well, less explosions.
I dunno, I thought Blade Runner had a great atmosphere. And I don't remember that many explosions in it either (but I haven't watched it in awhile - not going to until the super ultimate DVD is released). Although it is true that it wasn't exactly like Philip K. Dick's story.
yea I want to go see this movie as well. Sadly it isn't playing in the Kansas City area according to yahoo movies. Damn limited release movies!
This movie looks pretty cool, especially the animation, but can anyone tell me what the movie's about?
Edit- Nevermind, didn't see the link.
I've seen the comemercials, it reminded me of 'Killer7'. Looks cool!
Killer 7…..heard that was a bad game.
Movie: looks great, but im gonna wait for the DVD.
I'll catch it on TV one day in the future.
'A Scanner Darkly' is set in suburban Orange County, California in a future where America has lost the war on drugs. When one reluctant undercover cop is ordered to start spying on his friends, he is launched on a paranoid journey into the absurd, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode. It is a cautionary tale of drug use based on the novel by Philip K. Dick and his own experiences. Like a graphic novel come to life, 'A Scanner Darkly' will use live action photography overlaid with an advanced animation process (interpolated rotoscoping) to create a haunting, highly stylized vision of the future. The technology, first employed in Richard Linklater's 2001 film 'Waking Life,' has evolved to produce even more emotional impact and detail.
It's kinda sad you know? They go through all that trouble to animate it and now Illustrator can do that to a frame of film with one click.
Yeah, I'll second anyone who gives props to Blade Runner. That's one of a few Sci Fi flicks that you can watch and have no frigging clue it was made back then….unless you've seen a recent picture of Edward James Olmos ^O^
Well, I'm petty and the commercial screamed "try hard." And I'd have to sit with all the 15 year old stoners, so I dunno.
What Buccaneer said.
Oh man this looks so goofy. It's almost like some super-deluxe flash film. I love it.
Heh, yay for suburban Orange County.
I liked Blade Runner too. Though my memory of it is hazy.
I liked Blade Runner too. Though my memory of it is hazy.
It's one of my favorite movies. I love the sets and atmosphere of it.
I'm very excited about the upcoming "ultimate" DVD release. It's going to have pretty much all the different versions of the film (theatrical, old director's cut, international version, and a new final cut). It's kind of old news, but maybe some people haven't heard.
(Sorry for being off-topic, but I thought that this topic was kind of appropriate, since both movies are based on books by the same guy)