Getting away from the bank with several bags of money and Foot Soldiers in tow, the Shredder scoffs at the situation.
"At last those accursed turtles turn tail and don't show their faces!! Today's heist belongs to The Shredder!!"
Upon reaching his transport module, Shredder notices his soliders several hundred feet back, brutally beaten, tied to the street with web. Shredder runs over to collect the money strewn about the street in a panic.
"What's the matter with you fools!! Get up!!"
"Oh, they won't be getting up for a long time," a voiced echoed from a nearby alley.
"Who dares test my patience!?," barked Shredder.
Venom leaps from the darkness and lands a blow right in the middle of Shredder's tin mug, putting quite the dent in his mask. Blood dripped down his chin as he backed a few feet away.
"We normally shrug off pathetic costumed freaks like you, but it looks like an acception is in order. Actually killing bank tellers? You've got some guts. How'd you like to see them presented before you?"
Venom's licked his chops, green slime dripping from his maw. Shredder went into fighting stance, his blades brandished.
"HA!! Threats are mere words. Prepare to bow down to the mighty Shredder!!"
"WE bow… to NO ONE!!!"
Venom leaped at his opponent.