for about 2 years ive been easily downloading anime. ive had no remorse, i mean, i buy the licensed products afterwards.
this past week i owed my brother a favor and he asks me "download Lord of the Rings for me like you download your (stupid) anime." i hesitantly say 'ok'. i download it and we watch it. i then think for a second and before i know it i am downloading Kill Bill vol. 1 and 2. two movies i have been dying to see since they came out. i dont have money to buy the movies. i have applyed to MANY different jobs, but none have even called me for an interview. dont get me wrong, i am not useing the "i dont have money so i pirate things excuse". i will buy The Lord of the Rings and Kill Bill 1 and 2 when i get money, but i want to know:
is there more of a chance of me getting caught and put into jail or something for pirating american media? i mean, i really was hesitating because i was scared of getting caught. the United States seems to care more, and i really really really dont want to get caught.
i guess the question is: am i danger for downloading American Media? Should i stop?
i appreciate any replies.