Kanthia is here, to save the day!
dramatic opening music
Kanthia is the kind of person that is either really kinda cool or not very cool, and that depends if you are awesome or not. She has many hobbies, including cartwheels and growing flowers and maybe like singing that song about birch canoes while spinning around in circles and making origami candy dishes at the same time.
It's totally sweet, and totally sweet like SUPAAA POWAAA~!
She enjoys the colour purple and talking in third person. Kanthia used to frequent the 4Kids Forums (known as the Boards of Lesser Justice) and now belongs to the Boards of Great Justice, which is awesome. She gives names and genders to everything like her female computer named Compy and her male MP3 player named Comet. Her favourite mangas are One Piece and Saiyuki and her favourite video games are FFTA, Golden Sun and mostly Fire Emblem 7. She plays Warcraft III but not WoW, and only the campaigns because she stinks. Illidan is kinda weird. She lives in Canada which is pretty cool but not much happens here that's super interesting which is also really nice.
She's caught up with K-F, Gerusama and the latest manga releases right now (416, baby!). Her favourite characters are everybody but mostly Ace, Robin and Miss Valentine and maybe Satouri the Dango who has the best laugh ever, even better than Eneru's.
On the Internets she's probably best known (but not really) for her fanfic Raftel which she's currently trying to re-do. It's quite odd, but she's really proud of it. It's like if you took everything away and everyone knew too late.
That's about it.
group hug