I think I can just say that this post has been long overdue. So I finally decided to get off my ass and write this.
I'm Sir Peter S. Conway aka UNKNOWNFILE, amateur h4x0r, OP freak, internet pirate, Unreal enthusiast, student, and insomniac. I hail from the center of the universe aka Toronto (citation from Uncyclopedia).
I decided to involve myself in the OP community more after catching up with the anime series, which took 3 months to do. I first heard about the series ages ago in Shonen Jump (the U.S. version), but never had any interest in it until I heard what 4Shits was doing to it. Originally, I decided to only watch it to compare it with the edits, but something happened, and here we are now.
So, that concludes my introductory post.
waits for rotten eggs to fall on his face