The night sky lit up as a blazing ball of fire fell from the heavens. A farmer remarked at the site as it landed with a crash. In seconds fire wiped him away from the earth along with everything else in a five mile radius. The only thing left was ash. In the center of the crater a small figure slowly rose.
Jean Grey held her head as she struggled to stand "Where…am I?" she asked?. Looking up at the night sky her eye's went wide as she realized what was going on "Oh no.....oh no". She quickly took flight as she tried desperately to escape from the earth before "it" took control again. "It" had brought her back her and "it" wanted to destroy the planet along with everyone she ever loved.
A tear left her cheek as she took on last look at the planet that had once been her home. Then she screamed out in pain as the entity known as the Pheonix once again fought her for control. Plummeting towards the earth once again she began to lose conciousness "Scott......" she whispered under hushed breath as her eye's closed.
Immediately she found herself awake on the astral plane. Staring out across the vastness, she felt a dark presence with her. She turned to confront her mirror self, the Dark Pheonix. "I know you are there" she called.
In a ball of fire the Pheonix presented itself to her. "Of course you do Child. We have always been here" the entity called to her.
"Why have you brought me here?" Jean asked.
"I wish to destroy you" it replied "starting with everything you still hold dear" as the flames receded, Jean grey was confronted with herself. "and what exactly do you think you are going to do, to stop me" she smirked evily.
"I can't let you do that" Jean Grey replied sternly. "I will stop you" she said summoning all of her psychic energy.
"You will try" the Pheonix said as flames licked around her body.