Okay, heres what I wanna do. I wanna make a movie (or more if needed) of some of the funny moments of One Piece to upload onto youtube. We all know OP is funny in many aspects but there are just some which are great. (I just saw the scene in OP ep 175 in which the southbird decides to drop Zoro and thats just great).
So, I'm asking you, the fellow members of Arlong Park for your help. I want you to post info on some of your rememberience of funny moments in One Piece. What I mean is not posting clips or images, simply talk about what you found funny and if at all possible which episode it happened in.
I'm hopping to make a number of videos of these moments and eventually a "Top 10 Funniest Moments in One Piece" movie. I think it would be nice to watch tell you the truth, and I need something to upload to youtube and it seems like a fun idea.
And who knows, if this goes good I might do a "One Piece: Badass Moments". XD