Scanlation: 411 HQ - Rush - English
may i ask why irc now and not direct download?
i'll put up a srv so we can get direct download ;)
but IRC is good caus you can get a whole lot more of manga ^^ -
thanks for the scanlation
another nicely done chapter by you guys!!! keep it up!!
may i ask why irc now and not direct download?
we release on irc for the first 24 hours of the release, to get more fans on our channel, then afterwords we post up our direct download links.
Holy crap! English Sfx! Not even null does those. You guys are great O_O. Man your quality is so awesome. Thanks.
I like how you guys explained the tenpo situtaion (even tho i perfer tempo)
Why is everyone surprised about the usage of tenpo? I´m sure it was used before. And I´m not just speaking about K-F but even about manga translators. Just can´t think of he it was right now. :sad:
Why is everyone surprised about the usage of tenpo? I´m sure it was used before. And I´m not just speaking about K-F but even about manga translators. Just can´t think of he it was right now. :sad:
However, I've heard "Tenpo" the first time, but I like it. The mix of "Ten" and "Kenpo" makes more sense than "Tempo" anyway… ^^
Very nice translation, like always!!
Superb quality - I'm really impressed. Wonderful release, thx, Shinwei and team!
RUSH is my favorite scanlation team!!!:biggrin:
need another link to download the chap, the other two aren't working.
try here, Selph.
Wow, your (Rush) scanlations are the absolute best! I've read many scanlations, from an unnamed group that has done the early chapters (and if I never see young Luffy say 'Fucking Clown' ten times in one issue again, it will be too soon) to the the relatively high quality recent scanlations by Null, but yours are the best I've seen. And strangely, crewmember, with your explanation for it, actually feels right as a replacement for 'nakama'.
mmh don't go on the link that Fnuckale just give u
it wont work anymore ^^there's a new site:
just click on the pretty girl xD -
Thanks Fnuckale and Silveril for the links
I was just reading the explanation of "tenpo" that came with this chapter, and…
Tempo is actually an Italian word for weather, and I think Oda got it from there. (Was it mentioned in one of the SBS or Jump Festa? Not really sure, but when I googled it, someone mentioned that Oda mentioned about that.) I'm not really sure if that's the general knowledge of OP fan since I wasn't following OP when Clima Tact was first introduced, but just wanted to make sure. So Nami's attack names are literally Rain Tempo (rain weather), Fine Tempo (fine weather), so on and so forth.
Also, "correct" romanization of テンポ according to the hebon style is "tempo," not "tenpo."
1.撥音 ヘボン式ではB ・M ・P の前に N の代わりに M をおく
Of course, you might not be following hebon-shiki (I don't 100% follow it, either), but I thought I should point that out ^^
It's like… you write "awaa" vs "hour" in recent chapter. You could've kept "awaa" if you wanted to emphasize the pun.
Good point on Tempo/Kenpou pun though. Otherwise Oda would've put Kanji and put tempo on the side... ... Maybe.
Hmm this is the first time I hear that Oda was saying he got it from the italian word. I actually also took it to be a hybrid term build of the two words "tenki" and "Kenpo". I mean we had Okama Kenpo and Ramen Kenpo so I though that this was Oda´s way of putting it because for instance "Cyclone Tempo Kenpo" would have sounded a bit weird.
Hmm, I guess checking the SBS would do the trick then. Thanks for pointing that out ocean. :)
K-F uses Tenpo too. Check episode 117 9:39. And I seem to hear Tenpo and not Tempo. Could be my imagination though.
v25 p86:
@stephen:D: Aaah, hello hello, Oda-sensei! Nami says stuff like "Tornado Tempo" a lot with her Clima Tacts, but what the heck does "Tempo" mean? Please tell me!! by a Traveler (age 15)
O: Tempo. Hmmm. "tempo". This means weather. It's weather in Italian. That's what it means, but I just liked the sound.