Not sure if anyone's noticed/mentioned this, but this has been something I've always had somewhere in my head to think upon from time to time.
The planet of OP…
Does this answer questions… or question answers? For example, how is there a Never Night Island? Have we ever seen more then 1 moon in the night sky? Which moon did Enel go to? There should be a lot of unpredictable light/dark times during a normal 24 hour 'day' due to the projectiles blocking the light. Maybe another reason why it's hard to get an accurate timeline? Since night time might not even be the evening, but the morning. Could this answer some of the craaaaazzzy weather? How do the tides work with more then 1 gravitational pull? Could this explain how the Aqua Laguna completely dries up the ocean (all of the moons to one side of the planet.. a rare occurance)? If so, this should be something common at other places too.
By the looks of it, there's 2 moons on 1 path (maybe debris from something in the past?) and another 2 on another path. What are their speeds? Do they ever bump into each other. Whats up with that lopsided one? Does Oda have something in mind with this, or it won't even matter?