as i was going across the internet i stumbled upon some intersting news. apprently 4 kids has opened up a new division called 4sight which will dub anime for teens and adults rather then kids of the 6-11 range. the info can be found on now it didn't say if one piece or anyother already said publlications that they are currently holding rights to would be redone for the orginal but they never said it wasn't either. i for one life where this is going but am still wiery of all this. will the be as good as funimation and viz..well most of vizs stuff or will they totaly fuck every thing up? who knows? all i know is that if they do decied to redo the one peice anime then they will have to rewrite all the lines and take out all the edits that the 4kids dub messed the up. well i hope you like the news
oh and by the way i am new