I did fight a guy using Gomu Gomu no pistol, bazuca, storm, and used shigan..the strange thing is that i kicked his ass!:blink:
When you write in your will "My One Piece colection?Yes its in that place, go and get it"
When every time you jump you put your hand in your head
When you take three sheets of paper, rol them put one in your mouth and claim you can use santoryou(i did that)
When everytime you see something cool you stick your thong out and say "SUGÈEEE"
When you go out on a party with your friends, climb on a tall structure and sing "Captain Ussop verse 187….."
When you go to your father or grandfather and say "Oi kuso gigi"
When everytime your hungry you go running to your kitchen yeling "Niku niku niku niku..." or "Meshi meshi meshi meshi.."