I like Digimon Adventure. It's hard for me to watch it due to my parent's hate toward it, I hate to watch it in secret and turn the volume down. They hate it because they don't like my obessession with it and they don't like the way the Digimon are designed. They see them as demons.
My view is differant, I don't like some Digmon design while I like some.
Digimon season 1 was thrilling and advanterous. It has good storytelling but no in-depht. I wish Toei expand the series to 100 but the made it 52 episode. The world and the characters were colorful, the battle was stunning, The Dark Masters were intersting, the story is humorous and good. One character I like the most was Jou Kido thus my board name.
Season 2: Kinda jumped the shark for me… Izzy, Sora, Mimi, Tai, Matt and Joe were pushed background to make room for Davis, Yolie, Cody, Hikari, Ken, and T.K. I felt Toei really made this season for money and no care for fans. The story was darker and less humorous during the Kaiser arc, but when he came down, the Digital World was your personal candy land.
The story did not get dark again untie the Oikawa arc.
Oikawa was intersting but he gets no deep character development and he is a joke for a villian: "HIROKI IS DEAD!!!! BHWAAAAA!!! Poor poor me, I wanna go to the Digital World! I wanna! I wanna! FUCK YOU HUMANS!! YOU STOLE MY PRECIOUS HIROKI AWAY! It's ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" Yes in reality he really hated him for dying. Why did Toei give him a pale skin and ugly face? Why can't he look normal instend of looking like a demon? Why did Oikawa not try hard to find friends? Why did he expect someone to walk right into him and be his friend? How did Oikawa open himself to Hiroki after showing he never laugh at him? Why did 6 years old Oikawa looks badly dressed? Has Oikawa found anyone else like Hiroki? Why did he not make friends with T.K.'s mom and Ken's father?
Why did he not go for Hiroki's father? Why did he not notice Cody? Should Oikawa hear the news that Hiroki has a son?
Oikawa sure don't have a likeble character except at the end. To me it seems Oikawa was a villian while using Hiroki's death for his actions, pity.
Well Oikawa's past was sad, yet he became a dark crybaby and Toei fouces on his nagitive side too much. Oikawa's Shame epsiode freaks me out, cool guys facing a tall ugly man "shutters". I was wondering what would happen if he smack Joe, Matt and Izzy in the face. Also He was the reason why I called Luffy "gothic" after his fight Usopp, his gloominess remainds me of Oikawa.
So the rest of season was full of plotholes and rushy excuses. Most characters are OOC, Deamon was thrown off and Dragomon gets a pointless comeo.
Season 3: Never watched much of it, no adventure, the story is dull.
Season 4: Never watched that much, and kids becoming digimon is intersting.
I hope that season five is not some sort of a commerical material. And I hope the story is good and adventerous.