I'm going to start a thread about a topic I know nothing about…
Well, I'm a Green, been voting them since like almost two years now :P. Although my country has the most conservative Green Party of the world but it fits me well.
I'm going to start a thread about a topic I know nothing about…
Well, I'm a Green, been voting them since like almost two years now :P. Although my country has the most conservative Green Party of the world but it fits me well.
Communist since I was a kiddo.
While my offical political affiliation is Republican, I'm probably more moderate than anything else.
Yes, I'm a republican, but not so liberal. I agree with the communist idea though. :-)
I… haven't the faintest clue what the hell I am.
I'm halfway for abortion; I think it should be allowed in some cases, but abortion for the hell of it? NO.
I'm definately FOR gay marriage.
I dislike Christian fundamentalists. Fundamentalists in general, too.
I'm not particularly fond of Dubya, but I think his heart's in the right place. Dunno where the hell his brain is sometimes, though.
I AM Christian, but not really any certain denomination. More Baptist than anything, probably, seeing as how I was raised one.
I'm against the war in Iraq and I VICIOUSLY hope we don't get involved in a war with China, but I'm okay with the War on "'Terr".
I'm probably missing a few things, but... What does that make me, anyway?
I'm a republican. I'm a republican with a democrat mind
I'm ultra-far-left. I'd be a communist if I thought it had a chance of working, but I doubt it (at least not in the world of today), so I'm a capitalist-socialist. I'm strongly in favor of equal civil rights regardless of race, sex, gender or orientation, I'm against any government recognition of one religion or branch of religions, I opposed and still oppose the war in Iraq (those it's so messed up at this point I don't see how there's any good way out). And I say, let's tax the rich for every penny… until they're middle-class, then they can keep the remaining pennies, which ought to be plenty.
I'm me, I hate political affiliations, after last years election I stopped barking violently at the republicans in time to look around, look long and hard at the sectionalism, and vomit.
I'm a Democrat, extremely Liberal.
I'm pretty left, but I don't affiliate myself with any party. When you start voting for parties instead of the people, you get duds like John Kerry. I am pretty socialistic, but I'm smart enough to know that kind of mumbo jumbo doersn't work.
But now I don't really pay attention to politics, it all just angers me too much.
I'm not a left because I don't care about these blind christian sheeps that are running our country into the ground. I don't want to help these people and I don't want to love them.
I'm not a right because I'm not a corrupted piece of shit business man who would screw his own mother over for promotion.
I'm not a green party because I've given up on giving a shit about the enviroment since thir world countries are going to pollute it anyway with their giant factories.
I'm not communist because althouth I enjoy the seculiarism I hate the fact that moochers can just sit back and live easy while others are working hard for that same life.
I'd rather see our entire goverment and country come crashing down in our face in a gigantic burst of flames…..so anarchism for me.
I've changed a lot in the last few months. I've lost all care and love for this country. The only thing I can really respect about this country is what it stands for....freedom to do and say what you want....but even that is dying out.
I'm a Republican. Although I wouldn't support someone I didn't approve of.
I'm actually sort of oddly in the middle as far as the two-party system goes, but still a diehard Democrat…. and I have been since I was five years old when Clinton was running the first time, actually, because I was an environmental freak even back then. I was such a nerd. Anyway, financially, I think everyone SHOULD have to work for money, and that free enterprise is basically a good idea, but it's impossible for everyone to get a fair shot at success, even among people who are equally intelligent and capable, because of their backgrounds and all, and that's crap. I don't want to give my money to lazy people who don't want to work or to people who have way too many kids and then can't afford it (contraceptives are your friend and you can get them at clinics for free, so come on), but I'm definitely willing to help anyone who needs it in order to get their lives on track and make something of themselves and all, and I hate how much easier rich people have it, and how their wealth allows them to, at times, be above the law. And I don't like the way big corporations have so much power. I'm sick of this paragraph.
I'm socially very liberal in most areas -- I've been an avid supporter of gay marriage for the past six years, and thoroughly support abortion being available as an option. I am DEFINITELY in favor of tighter gun control. (How did that get to be a liberal ideal, anyway?) I'm not into the way fundamentalist Christians are trying to force their views on everyone and make them law. I hate drug use, though, which is probably the only thing I'm semi-conservative about in my social views. I didn't love Kerry (he was one of my least favorites during the primary, and I still think Clark would have been a better choice), but in my opinion, he definitely would have been a better option. This Social Security thing now... lord. And I can't stand how much other countries hate us right now, but I'm going to avoid even going into that. Basically, while some of my views may be in the middle, I hold a staunchly Democratic view on all the issues that are most important to me, and for that reason, I can't see myself ever voting for a Republican (especially not a Southern one, and this is coming from someone who lives in the South) unless things change.
This post will probably somehow come back and bite me in the ass when I run for Congress eventually, because everyone will be like, "OMG SHE DOESN'T HAVE A CLEAR VIEWPOINT!!!" but it's clear to me, and I'll always stand by my opinions, so whatever. I should start my own political party. The Federalists, Part II.
Balance-favoring Independent. Although many of my views side closer with the Democrats, I recently decided to distance myself from them, mostly because the party is too blind to it's own faults and seems to only have a stance that is "We oppose anything the Republicans support."
That said, however, I don't support alot of the modern conservatism stuff either. I despise their stances on things like marriage, foreign policy and abortion.
My personal political standpoint is, "Too little change stagnates and weakens the country, but too much change accelerates us too fast and sets us up for crashing and burning." If there's any democrat I truly agree with, it's Barack Obama. You know, the guy who made the brilliant assertion, "There is no red america and there is no blue america; there is the United States of America."
Originally posted by Himizujin_Eternia@Mar 14 2005, 05:56 PM
If there's any democrat I truly agree with, it's Barack Obama. You know, the guy who made the brilliant assertion, "There is no red america and there is no blue america; there is the United States of America."
Yes. <3 Obama is my hero.
I believe that I am a Independant. I do side with the Democrats on most issues, but I can't stand all of the bitching about Bush and the emails I get from "America Come Together" (ACT).
But I am for a Dictatorship as long as I am the Dictator in mind.
i dont have a party i just look at all the info on the canidets i can get and vote for the one who i think would do the best job. im not very political but i know what i belive in
Originally posted by Sakurai@Mar 14 2005, 08:49 AM
I'm ultra-far-left. I'd be a communist if I thought it had a chance of working, but I doubt it (at least not in the world of today), so I'm a capitalist-socialist. I'm strongly in favor of equal civil rights regardless of race, sex, gender or orientation, I'm against any government recognition of one religion or branch of religions, I opposed and still oppose the war in Iraq (those it's so messed up at this point I don't see how there's any good way out). And I say, let's tax the rich for every penny… until they're middle-class, then they can keep the remaining pennies, which ought to be plenty.
That's exactly how I think.
I think there should be no rich, because they mostly don't even have to work. I don't think we should inherit money, because that leads to rich lazy people. Why don't rich people get taxed more than people with less money? That's not fair. People don't need to have all that money. I think we (especially those with more money) should give more money to libraries and SCHOOLS. Taxes will help do that. In my school, all the books and desks are ruined, and we can't get new books because our school doesn't have enough money. Then I look at private schools and they can learn easily because they have all the supplies they need. Why do rich kids get better opportunities? They're not better just because they have no money.
Originally posted by Jacobo@Mar 14 2005, 07:50 PM
Why don't rich people get taxed more than people with less money? That's not fair. People don't need to have all that money. I think we (especially those with more money) should give more money to libraries and SCHOOLS. Taxes will help do that. In my school, all the books and desks are ruined, and we can't get new books because our school doesn't have enough money. Then I look at private schools and they can learn easily because they have all the supplies they need. Why do rich kids get better opportunities? They're not better just because they have no money.
Yeah, I agree with this. My school is totally poor and horrible. We can't afford soap. I remember my sophomore year, the school couldn't afford toilet paper, so everyone had to bring their own, which was ridiculous. So obviously… schools need funding like nobody's business. As for rich people being taxed more, they should really get rid of the regressive sales tax and come up with more reasonable ones.
Originally posted by Zio@Mar 14 2005, 06:24 PM
but I can't stand all of the bitching about Bush and the emails I get from "America Come Together" (ACT).[snapback]15062[/snapback]
I for one wouldn't be bitching if this country wasn't completely going down the shitter and he didn't lie to us about the reasons for the war.
Liberal Democrat here.
As far as issues go,
The US was going down the pipes long before W came to office. x3
As for myself, I am Republican. I am Christian. I like (not like, OMG bush roxorz!!! but I do like some of his policies) Bush. Yeah, you can all hate me now~ :)
EDIT: As for the issues,
I'm Pro-Gay marriage(sp?)
I'm pro-private accounts for retirement
I'm Pro-Iraq
Originally posted by fin fish+Mar 14 2005, 04:56 PM–>QUOTE(fin fish @ Mar 14 2005, 04:56 PM)
Why don't the rich kids go fight in the war? Why don't the Bush daughters go fight?
I dunno. Probably because they didn't enlist….
Ok, I need to know what Bush lied about. I know why I'm pro-war, but nobody has given me a valid anti-war reason. :(
What I'd say has already been said:
_Originally posted by MB.+Mar 14 2005, 04:16 PM–>QUOTE(MB. @ Mar 14 2005, 04:16 PM)I'm not a left because I don't care about these blind christian sheeps that are running our country into the ground. I don't want to help these people and I don't want to love them.
I'm not a right because I'm not a corrupted piece of shit business man who would screw his own mother over for promotion.
I'm not a green party because I've given up on giving a shit about the enviroment since thir world countries are going to pollute it anyway with their giant factories.
I'm not communist because althouth I enjoy the seculiarism I hate the fact that moochers can just sit back and live easy while others are working hard for that same life.
[snapback]14980[/snapback]Originally posted by Ubiq@Mar 14 2005, 08:09 PM
**As far as issues go,
- abortion: I agree with Clinton's "safe, legal, and rare"; I think women should always reserve the right to have one,, but would prefer that birth control be exercised.
- gay rights: This country should have moved well past the idea of denying any group civil rights just because of what they are; it's sad that it hasn't.
- gun control: I support it; at any rate, I certainly don't believe that the Second Amendment should cover handguns and assualt weapons.
- Social Security: Hey, if they want to fix it, then they should stop stealing from the trust fund. Roll back the tax cuts from a few years ago and increase the amount of money that payroll taxes cover. A CEO pays a far smaller percentage of their salary to Social Security than somebody working at McDonald's, that's ludicrous.
- religion: Hey, believe what you want, so long as it doens't interfere with other people's lives.
- Iraq: bad idea from the start and now we're stuck with it.
- foreign policy: Ever think that you might not want to make the international community hate us?
- death penalty: I have no issues with it outside of suspicions about the inequalities of how it is issued for minorities compared to other ethnic groups. I do support it though in light of incontrovertible evidence, especially in instances of mass murder. I do think that the system needs to be reviewed though.
@Mar 14 2005, 03:32 PM
**I don't affiliate myself with any party. When you start voting for parties instead of the people, you get duds like John Kerry.I don't really pay attention to politics, it all just angers me too much.
I agree with you on everything, Ubiq.
Originally posted by taboo@Mar 14 2005, 05:26 PM
**> Why don't the rich kids go fight in the war? Why don't the Bush daughters go fight?I dunno. Probably because they didn't enlist….
Ok, I need to know what Bush lied about. I know why I'm pro-war, but nobody has given me a valid anti-war reason. :(
Why didn't they enlist? If their dad made the war, shouldn't they? Why should they leave it to the people with less money? If they support the war, they should be fighting in it.
He lied about weapons of mass destruction. They weren't there.
Originally posted by taboo@Mar 14 2005, 08:26 PM
**> Why don't the rich kids go fight in the war? Why don't the Bush daughters go fight?I dunno. Probably because they didn't enlist….
Ok, I need to know what Bush lied about. I know why I'm pro-war, but nobody has given me a valid anti-war reason. :(
Bush began an assault on the Al Qaida terrorist network not too long after 9/11. After he realised he didn't have a snowballs chance in hell and realised that he could boost our economy a shit load by bringing oil into our country from raq he set the wheels in motion for the war. He sent more spys and intelligence agents over there to find something….not look for something bad about saddam but find a reaon for us to go get his ass.
SO, we pick up a static filled radio mesage that might have been talking about WMD under Saddam's control and we enter a war. We get there and find nothing. Bush shifts gears. We are now fighting against terrorism. Problem is since the war in iraq the number of terrorists in the world has increased a ridiculous amount. Bush shifts gears again into protecting the Iraqi's lrights to live and right's to democracy and freedom.
People begin to figure out that something is fishy is going on here so he distracts them with the entire gay marriage bit. After that we are left with dumbfounded looks on our faces....and possibly another war or two coming up soon.
What DID make the economy die though?
Social Security: Hey, if they want to fix it, then they should stop stealing from the trust fund. Roll back the tax cuts from a few years ago and increase the amount of money that payroll taxes cover. A CEO pays a far smaller percentage of their salary to Social Security than somebody working at McDonald's, that's ludicrous.
If I may use this quote to my aid Bush cut taxes on big corporations because he's friends with many big busines leader (and what republican isn't?). This means that the amount of money coming into the goverment took a HUGE hit. Also, he was forced to make the middle and lower classes pay MORE money.
This meant less spending for middle and lower class people. Which meant a decline in the business world and stock market action was beginning to stall. So what does Bush do? What worked the last time we had a depression? WE WENT TO WAR! Problem is when war helps the economy it's because of men being drafted and given a job, women taking the men's jobs, and everybody working in the country and trying to support their country.
This wasn't a war….this was an attack. Attacks cost money because people don't support attacks.
I'm pretty independant. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative. Note that that's not neo-con; I believe in earning your pay, but not hoarding it to yourself… hell, Morgan and Carnegie at least bought into social gospel. I don't know how the hell Bush is going to push through his revamp of Social Security, though; he has far from a clear majority on the issue from the people and the Democrats are guaranteed to filibuster (as they have been doing with the Supreme Court appointees, which is what I'm REALLY scared about as far as neocon gov't goes).
I do admire Bush for his compassion and devotion, as well as his belief in his faith. I'm atheist myself, but I've always held a respect for religion (especially so now that my beau has a very strong faith as well) and I'm not about to hiss at him for believing we have a mandate. I critique how he carries out his plans of action and that unwavering self-assurance, however; as President of the United States, you HAVE to have room for doubt in your mind. You HAVE to doubt your way is the only way. Etc etc, I'm not going to go on a spiel here. I mean, I'm a pretty smart girl, but I'll gladly hand over the torch to someone who really knows what they're doing, that's for sure.
Originally posted by taboo
Ok, I need to know what Bush lied about. I know why I'm pro-war, but nobody has given me a valid anti-war reason.
Precisely what Tenet resigned from the CIA for: there were not WMDs in Iraq at the current time the war resolution was proposed. No one doubts Saddam had them, like, ten years before; problem was nothing was found except for one pitiful warehouse of munitions that could've, at most, hit, like, the Euphrates or something. I'm not about to spout out 'OMG BUSH WARMONGER <3 OIL' crap, but the basis for going to war in the first place, as was quoted by Bush, Cheney, Rice, and Powell for at least a year before going to war was that Iraq had WMDs and by george we had to take out the l'il buggers. I'm not about to deny that Saddam's removal was a good thing, nor Iraqi freedom (which IS a good thing, but hardly in the state it is now and how poorly it's being managed… kinda ironic, US says Lebanon can't have elections with Syrian troops in the country to manage it, but we can have ours in Iraq to manage theirs ? :P), but the fact remains that the basis we went to war in proved to be entirely false.
I dislike politics. I dislike politicians more.
Having said that, I'm a registered democrat, though I probably have just as many problems with democrats as I do republicans, just different ones. I'm very much against the war; I believe we never should have gone there, and the American people have been, and are continuously being misled by administration with motives not quite as pure as they'd like us to think. The backpedaling on the environmental issues piss me off too. I'm no tree-hugger, I just think the future of our lives on this planet is partly dependant on how well we take care of it.
I am Christian, and as a result of that, I'm pro-life, and I would prefer civil unions with all the marriage benefits for gay couples, and would rather marriage be defined by a union of a man and woman. Some people might think that's a pointllessly semantical, but I don't. On the other hand, I don't really like the idea of the constitution being messed with for that. Let the states decide. I'm not very adamant about the issue either way.
I have no particularly strong opinion about gun control.
Originally posted by taboo@Mar 14 2005, 09:16 PM
I'm pro-private accounts for retirement
See, here's my problems with his plan:
Democrat,but nowI think whoever I choose is no different(Most of politicians are corruption <_< ).
I agree that it's hard to get excited about many candidates, and they all have problems - being as far left as I am, nobody I really agree with would ever have a ghost of a chance at getting elected by the general populace anyway. But there's a big difference between the Democrats (and traditional Republicans) and the neocons currently in power. The others may do some unsavory stuff, and I'm not happy about it, but compared to the neocons, they're far the lesser of the evils.
Green Party since the day I registered. Although I petitioned to get David Cobb, the Green Presidential nominee, on the ballot in New York for 2004 (he didn't make it, and I wasn't upset), I voted again for my man Ralph Nader. I thought Cobb was too much of a Democrat loving pansy and the way he badmouthed Nader for actually campagning in the whole country made me think the guy was not worth my vote. Generally I vote Green, but generally there is no Green candidate, so it can be difficult to find a politician to agree with.
xP I hate politics~ It actually got me banned once (because some jerk was all like 'everybody who does this is stupid!' and I got mad and called him a narrow-minded idiot. He was a mod so I got the boot of course. x3 ). still mad shakes fist
Ok, so I see everyone's points about private accounts and the war… actually, I wanted to ask about the whole Iraqi Democracy thing. Isn't that the good side to it all?
It's a good side if it works. Unfortunately, simply holding elections is no guarantee that long-term stability will result, and because certain areas of the country were too violent to conduct the election effectively, those areas end up underrepresented, increasing hostility to the elected government (and hence fueling the insurgency).
One often-used example is the Vietnamese elections, which were widely praised in their time in much the same terms as the Iraqi elections were. You can see how well that turned out.
Unfortunately the neocons have been very thorough in spreading around the meme that being skeptical about the long-term success of democracy in Iraq means that you're rooting against it. I'm not; I'd far rather see at least some good come out of this nightmare than see all those lives and all that money thrown away for nothing. But wishing something were true doesn't equal thinking that it actually IS true – although the current administration genuinely doesn't seem to understand that.
Does anyone here like Bush??
Ok, I need to know what Bush lied about. I know why I'm pro-war, but nobody has given me a valid anti-war reason.
The best anti-war reason that I've seen seems to have been the one that's least addressed. We can't possibly afford it. I don't mean to sound selfish, but even IF we're doing the right thing by 'liberating' Iraq (which I disagree with), I don't believe it's right that we should pay for what we can't afford.
I support George W. Bush.
–------------------I don't mean to offend anyone so I deleted this-----------------------
--------------------Some people are offended too easily :mellow: -----------------------
Although this isn't political, I am anti-4K!ds Entertainment. They take what One Piece fans like best and just absolutely ruin it. They Westernize ("Hey Zolo, Zolo, we gotta Golo), change names (Changing Roronoa Zoro to you know what) , cast crappy voices (Especially Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji), make terrible BGM(Can't really give an example except for stereotypical clown and pirate music), etc. Until 4K!ds take One Piece seriously, I am forced to dislike their products and boycot. If the uncut Dvds do not contain the name Zoro, on the subtitles, I will move to Japan, learn Japanese, and watch One Piece there. :D I hate edits. I am also anti-VIZ. For just about the exact same reasons as 4K!ds.
No president is perfect, George W. Bush has his mistakes, but so does every other Presidential candidate. You can't agree with everything they do.
So just vote for who you support most and hope that your choice wins.
I've liked both Republicans and Democrats. I wonder who's gonna run for President in 2008??? If it''s a Democrat like John Kerry , I would never vote for him, but if it's a Democrat like Franklin D. Roosevelt :D , he might get my vote. Nonetheless I currently plan on voting for the next Republican candidate. :mellow:
Two things.
1. There's seperation of church and state. Religious beliefs have no bearing on what goes on in this country… Meaning, you can't ban gay marriage just because you think it's against your religion. You DO understand that, right? I just wanted to check.
2. Didn't we have a surplus in the millions (or was it billions?) before ol' Dubya stepped in? Now we have, what, a billion+ deficit. Something's wrong there.
... I'll refrain from any further comment, in hopes that MB. comes. I'd love a spot of fun right now. :D
Edit: What Jacobo said.
What if you were raped by a man and got pregnant? Would you really want to have his baby? And I don't think Bush deserves to not want abortion because he supports the death penalty and when he was governor of Texas he let so many people die.
If two people love each other, don't you think that they deserve to be married? Even if they are the same sex, love is love.
Why would you support any Christian president? What if they were Muslim? I don't think faith makes someone better than another. Some people can be Christian and total assholes. Would you support a racist Christian to be president?
I don't really associate myself with one party or another, I think they both have major problems and I can't bring myself to belong to one or the other. I do lean towards the left on most things, but really I just support what I agree with regardless of which party is also supporting it.
And while I do lean to the left, I am also aware that we need the right to balance things out, that's why our system is set up the way it is. I get really frustrated when the balance shifts heavilly to one side or the other and the parties treat it like a giant contest; whoever has the most members in congress wins, instead of trying to do what's actually right for the country. I think people tend to get too involved in "their side" and winning to remember that it's for the good of the country, not the good of their party, that they should be doing things.
I don't support the war in Iraq: we were never given a legitimate reason as to why we're there. Yes, removing Hussein from power is a good thing, and yes some other good things have come from it, but a lot of other really bad things have come from it too. I can't support a fight that I don't even know the real reasons for.
I support a woman's right to chose– the operative word in that phrase being "chose". Just because a woman has a choice doesn't mean she'll chose the same way every time. But you know, even if abortions are made illegal, women (and girls) will still get them, it'll just be a lot riskier and a lot less safe. And besides, there will ALWAYS be extenuating circumstances. Should rape victims be allowed the right to chose whether or not they keep a baby concieved from that crime? What about incest? For me, personally, I think that people need to be responsible for their actions, and realize that if they're ready to have sex, they should be prepared for the possibility of having a child. But I also believe that anyone who doesn't think very, very hard about that choice and do a damn lot of soul-searching and weigh every possibility before making that decision doesn't need to be raising a kid anyway.
I don't support Bush. I don't think he's evil, but I think he's doing a lot of things that are based on his personal beliefs and not what's in the best interests of everyone in this country. I think he does genuinely believe he's doing the right thing, and in a way that scares me more than someone who doesn't. He's passing bills that are undoing years and even decades' worth of progress in terms of the environment and the economy, not to mention our relationship with the rest of the world.
In actuality, I hate politics and I hate politicians. There are a few good ones out there, but most of them are greedy, self-serving liars who'll do or say anything they can to get ahead. I vote, but I'm never happy about my choices and rarely feel good about doing so. It's getting tougher and tougher to support the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils, y'know?
Anyway, that's where I stand. I really don't have anything against people on either side of the fence (unless they, personally, do or say something to incurr my wrath), and I have friends on both sides. I think it's most important that the right and the left listen to each other and not just indescriminantly disagree with whatever the other side says. Communication is the key, I think.
Edit: Oh yeah, and I support same-sex marriage. If the church in question doesn't want to perform it because of that, I don't think the state should be able to force them to, but I think if the church is all right with it, then why the hell not? And I'm using the word "marriage" here in its technical sense-- a religious ceremony. I totally think civil unions should be legal, full-stop, period. There's no legal reason why two people of the same gender should not be allowed to be considered joined in the eyes of the state, so in my mind, anyone wanting to go down to the courthouse instead of the church should be fully in their rights to do so. In fact, I'm a little mind-boggled by the fact that so many people in this country are still opposed to this notion. Did we learn nothing from the civil rights movements of last century?? But anyway, yeah, I totally support gay marriage/civil union.
I don't have one, I find politics and politicians to be stupid. So why bother?
Originally posted by bevin@Mar 15 2005, 03:17 PM
I support a woman's right to chose– the operative word in that phrase being "chose". Just because a woman has a choice doesn't mean she'll chose the same way every time. But you know, even if abortions are made illegal, women (and girls) will still get them, it'll just be a lot riskier and a lot less safe. And besides, there will ALWAYS be extenuating circumstances. Should rape victims be allowed the right to chose whether or not they keep a baby concieved from that crime? What about incest? For me, personally, I think that people need to be responsible for their actions, and realize that if they're ready to have sex, they should be prepared for the possibility of having a child. But I also believe that anyone who doesn't think very, very hard about that choice and do a damn lot of soul-searching and weigh every possibility before making that decision doesn't need to be raising a kid anyway.
I absolutely agree. One of the most horrifying things I've read was the last 12 hours of a woman's life after she had an abortion (this was before Roe v. Wade) and I had to sit down and look at something else a few times because I couldn't stomach what I was reading (and I'm someone who didn't even blink an eye at a man getting a shotgun blast to the head). Abortions should not mean you suddenly have a license to kill, IMO -.o
Originally posted by GoAnderson@Mar 15 2005, 05:50 PM
Didn't we have a surplus in the millions (or was it billions?) before ol' Dubya stepped in? Now we have, what, a billion+ deficit. Something's wrong there.[snapback]15494[/snapback]
Try trillions. He lost the majority of it all before 9/11. So it can't be blamed on the terrorist attack. No no No….it was Bush.
Does anyone here like Bush??
The either did and have realised that their opinion is unpopular and they don't want to be thought of as an outcast….or they don't know shit about politics and just want to blindly follow their president and be patriotic.
Bush's stances on many issues have to do with keeping his Christian image.
No president is perfect, George W. Bush has his mistakes, but so does every other Presidential candidate. You can't agree with everything they do.
I could max out the forum with posts filled with all the mistakes, corruption, and lies that have come from with Bush administation.
So just vote for who you support most and hope that your choice wins.
Here's exactl why I hate the current politcal system we're using. If you don't want someone to be president you have to not vote for them, and counter someone else's vote for them with a vote for another candidate you may not even like. John Kerry was not a very good candidate. Michael Badnarik of the libertarian party could have done a better job than any at running this country….but this means all the votes against Bush and for other candidates were spread out. BUSH WON THE PRESIDENCY WITH 47% OF THIS COUNTRY'S VOTES. 53% of our country that actually voted did NOT want his ass in office....in a democratic world wouldn't that mean Bush should NOT be president?
But someone just HAS to be president....our goverment sucks TEH BIG ONE.
Nonetheless I currently plan on voting for the next Republican candidate.
all this iraqi freedom bullshit is fucking pissing me off
yeah im muslim! yeah im half iraqi! (other parts lebanese, african, egyptian, russian, japenese, turkish, and armenian) and i want to say that they are killing more people than they are helping. i have proof of this shit. i have uncles and aunts and cousins who live there and guess what…half of them are dead all because some bitch president had to order a few troops into baghdad and blow my relatives out of there house! another thing guess who gave saddam all his power.. yeah thats right bush senior that bitch, and now because of his dumb spawn and his so called "liberation" almost all lower and lower-middle class have no insurance.
Anytime you have more than two parties, it's likely that the winner will get less than half the vote. I don't see how you'd change it without banning third parties altogether. I agree totally with your stuff on Bush, though, MB.
Bush Senior gave Saddam his power? Try more back in the 70s and 80s. Y'know, the Carter/Reagan years? Back when we were so scared of Communism we ultimately assisted terrorism?
You know, the thing that bothers me most about this country is our "ism" fixation. We find an ism to hate and align with a different ism, and then when that ism backstabs us we find another ism to cling to.
We were scared (justifiably) of Fascism, so we alligned with Communism.
We were scared (unjustifiably) of Communism, so we sponsored the people that would one day be Terrorists.
Now we're scared of Terrorism (understandibly, but the blame's on US here.)
If I were to make a change to the political system, I'd get rid of Parties in general. That'd make people actually say where they stand on issues, yessir. Then again, it wouldn't really work, since most people would call me evil for such a heinous thought.
Not to mention people with similar ideals tend to congregate and plot together.
Originally posted by lucciano_minhawk@Mar 15 2005, 09:24 PM
all this iraqi freedom bullshit is fucking pissing me off
yeah im muslim! yeah im half iraqi! (other parts lebanese, african, egyptian, russian, japenese, turkish, and armenian) and i want to say that they are killing more people than they are helping. i have proof of this shit. i have uncles and aunts and cousins who live there and guess what…half of them are dead all because some bitch president had to order a few troops into baghdad and blow my relatives out of there house! another thing guess who gave saddam all his power.. yeah thats right bush senior that bitch, and now because of his dumb spawn and his so called "liberation" almost all lower and lower-middle class have no insurance.
I'm not trying to be a smart ass or disrespective in anyway (which is a change for me) but it's not a good idea for a person of your culture to speak out about this kind of stuff in America. This is a VERY racist country and it's full of ignorant pieces of shit that would love to beat the shit out of some "towel head".
Plus, the overzealous asshole police officers will bust you in a moments time and create evidence of you being an aid to terrorism. Middle easterners are starting to get rail roaded just like Blacks. This country's people really fucking suck.
Anytime you have more than two parties, it's likely that the winner will get less than half the vote. I don't see how you'd change it without banning third parties altogether.
Have preliminary elections in the same style as the one's we have right now and have the top 3 make the cut into the real presidential election.
Now have the ballot made differently. Choose the two candidates that do not represent your beleifs and standpoints on the many issues a president would face.
George Bush check
John Kerry check
Michael Badnarik
I voted for Miachael Badnarik while voting against the other guys because they don't stand up for my ideals.