So, jackvance, you played on KGS, too? Hm… I find your style interesting because I'm almost totally defensive, rather than aggressive. I like the 3-4 point mainly because I don't have to put too much effort into getting a corner and/or part of a side. Doesn't matter much since I suck anyway, but still... I can also see why you could get bored, since it's kind of hard to focus on everything at once, visualize, and all that shit, among other things. Playing with a block of wood and a bunch of rocks isn't particularly attractive, on the outside, either.
warp, I think you'd like it at KGS. They've got a Beginner's Room, and once you've played there a few games, then you can turn in a game to the Go Teaching Ladder (Google = your friend) for review, to see how to improve. I do agree that it's hard to know properly, since it's so variable -- one minute the left's under attack, then the right, then your groups are dead... Stuff like that. You may want to check out Sensei's Library if you want to improve or, if you like, meet me at the Beginner's Room at KGS for some practice.