Argg~ Here be Dev's crap… I have a chibi fettish at the moment, and I need something obnoxiously cute to sell at Animania in Sydney this year. And I didn't have enough time to do Bleach fanart last year D: (Woe be the lack of One Piece love in this country... everyone flocks to the Sasuke fanart, and one person mistakes Sanji for an FMA character... but I digress)
So far I have: Rukia (real-world clothes), Renji (real-world clothes), Bankai Renji (WIP)
Planned: Ichigo (Real-world and Shinigami), Rukia (Shinigami) Gin... someone else. I'll see how I go. I'd like to do some One Piece chibis too, and more serious Bleach fanart. But I'm a slacker at the best of times :ohmy:
Work in progress