Found this cool maze game. It looked boring at first, but has an awsome ending if you can make it through. Check it out.
edit: Could the mods move this to Media? I think it belongs there. Thanks.
Found this cool maze game. It looked boring at first, but has an awsome ending if you can make it through. Check it out.
edit: Could the mods move this to Media? I think it belongs there. Thanks.
holy shit that freaked the shit out of me…
holy crap
Holy fucking shit!
That scared the crap out of me. Heavily breathing
My little sister would be traumatized if I were to show here that..
i thought it was a real game so does it scare you when your on that thin part or what ( dammit i was almost did it too -_-) damn yell made me flinch a bit
Now that we have some people who played it, you can see videos of how other people did. Maybe you can have your friends play it and send in a video of their reaction to the ending as well.
Glad I didn't do it doesn't like to be scared.
Way funnier to see peoples reactions. :D
Bah. Those kind of tricks are lame. I read the replies on the maze before I tried it, so that probably caused my emotionless reaction towards when the event triggers.
The kid one is the best.
We all know that kid is now scarred for life.
The kid one is the best.
We all know that kid is now scarred for life.
god he seems fuckin' scared, i'm not sure if he'll be able to use a computer again…
i should've read this thread before i tried it. thank you though, that just emptied out all the stupid physics crap i've been trying to do from my head. yay freedom.
and that kid, damn, whoever videotaped that is so mean. XD
Please no more!
falls off his chair
Those vids are too funny!
Has done something like this once a few months ago….never again...
Hahaha! You won't get me with that trick! XD
I fell for it before, never again, bro! And that video of the kid was funny too, but made sure I couldn't sleep till 1 last night.
i am so, so happy that i read the replies before i went and tried that. and then i watched some of those videos, and decided i'm not going to try that at all. because i was once disposed to something very similar, not this exact thing, but the idea was the same, and it once again brought up all those horrible fears i have towards these kinds of things, ie. faces that look wrong and noices that sound wrong. like that evil, terrible monkey-boy from the ju-on movie.
i feel so sorry for the early repliers in this thread, like warp. XD i read the replies before i tried the game and had a great time laughing at how fake it looked. had i went ahead before reading the thread first, it would be an entirely different story. :blink:
The kid one is the best.
We all know that kid is now scarred for life.
and to think that his stepdad videotaped that while he cried like a poor, poor baby.. if my stepdad did that to me, i'll never let him forget it. i'd step on his foot and tell mom. XD
lmfao to that video with the kid.
thats so mean XD
Haha, I've actually done this one before, the maze one, so I knew what was coming… But it still made me jump. :D
Seen it before on SA snore
Scared the Shit outta me.
Screamers are getting so old.
Crap that scared the crap outta me
Oh, and sucks to be that kid sheesh he's only what 6?