Ok, last month, I visit a One Piece Wikipedia site and entered the "CP9" section and looked at Wanze's profile. Someone thought that the reason why he's so mean towards Robin is that in the flashback he was in Ohara. I corrected that and left a note that Wanze was never in Ohara and if he was he'll be dead. OP wikipedia is sometimes full of fanchuft and stupid specultions and assumption.
So now we see that every group that Robin was in was not often dead. Pirates that she joined gets chased by the Navy and they blamed her due to the bounty that she carries and to the fabication lie about her stinking ships. Every group that are not pirates tries to turn her in to the WG for the bounty so she'll run from them and these people are not dead.
While Sanji was figthing Wanze, he said such nasty words about Robin; calling her a nasty, cold-hearted bitch. What wrong with Wanze? Did Spandine brainwash him or something? So far, Robin was never a cold-hearted woman and she never sank 6 ships and she could not save her hometown. What happened in Ohara was never fault.