What's your favorite (or, if you hate them all, most tolerable) filler episode or arc?
Hmmm….that Curry one was nice...But for me the best one is ep 224!
Yay! -
Well, I'm not too allergic to the filler eps myself, but like most everyone else, once is enough to have seen them.
But I guess out of all the filler eps I have seen so far, I'll go with episode 51. :) It's a Sanji episode, so even if it is a filler, I don't mind so much.
I do not have much love for Fillers but I would say the best are the extra rounds in Davy Back fight, they were good ^_^
Hmmm, the fillers recently, especially after the Skypiea arc are my favourites.
I'm loving G8 arc, Davy Back Fight arc and the recent filler arc. Hmmmmm, but I have to say that my favourite would be the G8 arc :)For some reason, I love fillers when it concerns the Strawhats themselves but fillers get boring when they start helping other people :P
The "extra" Davy Backfight games, I think, are probably my favorite thusfar.
hmm… I've just catch up with the Skypea arc, so maybe my fav filler up until now is the episode after Arabasta, the Chopper and Robin episode, I just love to see them together :P
maybe I will also love to see G8, and the current filler, but I haven't seen any of them so I can't say -
I'd have to say the newest episode of the sub, would have to be my favourite filler so far. But I did enjoy the extra matches of the Davyback arc & the Buggy mini arc.
I haven't seen G8 or the Davy Back fillers yet, but I have seen the current ones they're showing (the lost memories). Everything is better than the Apis episodes. :P I think most likely 50 and 134 are my favorites (as if you didn't see that coming).
My favorite filler is the Logue town ones, although all of them are better than the horror that is Apis.
I like the Rainbow Mist fillers very much.
The Logue Town fillers actually added a bit to the story and characters, making the arc all the more awesome and fitting for the resulting events…. Too bad they had to throw in Apis right after it.
Originally posted by Mog@Mar 9 2005, 09:47 PM
The Logue Town fillers actually added a bit to the story and characters, making the arc all the more awesome and fitting for the resulting events…. Too bad they had to throw in Apis right after it.
[snapback]13184[/snapback]You know the biggest problem that I had with the Apis filler is not the story itself but at what point of the timeline it has been introduced into the anime. It just felt wrong for me to place it between the escape from Loguetown and the arrival at the Rivers Mountain. It just felt wrong. IMO it wouldn´t have felt that wrong if it would have happened after the Buggy side story.
Yeah, in 53, they're like, "Let's go to the Grand Line!!!" and then inf 54, "oh, uh, let's not…yet...". :P
I liked the episode where Sanji battled Carmen in that chef cook-off. Her followers were hilarious, especially that gut with the huge nostrils XD
i liked the louge town arc very nice
I love the memory loss fillers… but I think G8 as a whole is my personal favorite. ^^ I don't remember which episode it was, but when Sanji and Luffy were trying to break Usopp and Zoro out of the jail cell.. I don't think I've laughed so hard at any other episode x.x I love those dials, and I love Usopp trying to use 'em ^^
I loved the Logue town fillers. My favorite filler eps would be a tie between:
Daddy vs. Usopp
The one where Luffy prematurely fought Smoker
and the one where Mohji fought CabajiI…..hated the DBF filler. :P
I haven't seen many filler episodes since I'm currently downloading episode 61-70. But I liked the Logue town fillers and the Apis arc so I guess for now it's those two. If I have to choose an episode, I'll say the Ussop vs. Daddy filler. It was good and extra Ussop time can't go wrong.
bleh…never liked fillers...
if I had to choose...it'd probably be the dodgeball event in the extra Davy Back Fight
or that one earlier on where Sanji teaches this marine apprentice cook how to prepare curry (cuz i love curry)my least-favorite would probably Ussop in Loguetown vs. some sharshooter...
(cuz the little girl's voice hurts my ears) -
I like this little Zenny mini arc filler. It's not bad at all.. Except for the Marines in it.
yes, the Zenny filler isn't bad, so is Rainbow mist, but as I already seen G8, I would say G8 filler arc is my fav until now :P
i liked the rainbow arc espically the marine
LogueTown is awesome :D
G8 is pretty good too :) -
I love the G8 filler.It was much unexpected.
The one where they resue the salesman who tries to sell them weight loss gadgets. It's so hilarious.
My fav One Piece filler would have to be Daddy the father, That was kinda a good filler in my opinion, Plus it had some stuff with Smoker.
i liked the filler episode where zoro ot his swords.(hope it is a filler) That was cool.
do you mean when Zoro in Logue town? If I rememmber correctly it's not a filler, but back then I haven't read the manga so I'm not sure :S
My favourite??? Ehm… G8 filler but I like others too.
No, you're correct Tare-chan, it's not filler.
then ill go back to the rainbow arc
sighs I'm disgusted by all the fillers as they sometimes are really gay and just have long flashbacks and everything…but for now the single filler I liked is the Zoro filler, as there was actually physicality in that episode, instead of someone sitting around reflecting on their past and things like that. Although Zoro's single filler WAS a flashback, It was a cool flashback, with the violence and all that junk. It was pretty cool to see a young Yosaku and Johnny as well.
actually I really enjoyed G8
watching Luffy and his gang beat up the marines is fuuuun XDD
I think it's the only good OP filler(hated the dragon filler….arghh)
Zoro's past as to how he got involved with Johny and Yosaku, was both relevant and cool. Other than that one I really enjoyed all the filler at Louge Town. The manga Louge Town seemed almost rushed to me in a way. It's one of the few spots where I think the anime version was actually superior to the manga
The G8 episode where Luffy thought he himself was drowning (it was a puddle). =p
The Arlong Park Arc was real great, because of the many fights between the Strawhats and Arlong's henchmen
Originally posted by UsopSama@Apr 15 2005, 06:11 PM
The G8 episode where Luffy thought he himself was drowning (it was a puddle). =p
[snapback]31605[/snapback]There were fillers in Arlong's arc?
Dude, no…..how did you assume that from his post?
I don't really like fillers but if i have to pick one it will be Episode51
Whoops. Quoted the wrong post. (Ah forget it)
Originally posted by ZORO THE DEMON@Apr 16 2005, 12:40 PM
The Arlong Park Arc was real great, because of the many fights between the Strawhats and Arlong's henchmen
[snapback]31878[/snapback]Not filler.
(This is it, right Usop?)
your right its not a filler
Overall I would rate the fillers in One Piece as tolerable till they had to show that horrendous excuse, the Apis arc.
I really don't know what happen, first i was all excited for the series, and then the arc comes and i'am like, "Huh, did i fall asleep again!!"
I was about to give up went all of a sudden, as soon as that arc finished, it once again became exciting again.
I was only later i found out that it was a filler, thank goodness :D
By the way, what is the G8 arc, which episodes does it fall under??
Um, the G8 filler is between episodes 195 - 207 I believe, though I might have to double check that. :unsure:
its right after skypiea and before foxy arc
Originally posted by devil^^kid_@Apr 21 2005, 05:01 AM
its right after skypiea and before foxy arc
[snapback]35075[/snapback]Really, i haven't reached that far yet, is it good. Just curious :lol:
i really like the logue town fillers, i nearly fell off my chair while watching the one with the cooking contest!
the one subbed by gerusama is quite good too, and i hope the g8 arc is, as everybody seems to say.
but zenni is really boring and rainbow mist is too, except the last ep!
fillers in the alabasta desert are baaadddd, the one with the scorpion man is the worst one piece ep ever, even the curry one is better!
EDIT: oh my god! i forgot the Apis arc! seems like i try to forget it for real, i mean erase it from my head… but it's not THAT bad, some jokes are really fun