Maybe your right. Maybe the US should pull out of all it's foreign military holdings. Spain, poland, France, germany, and anywhere else in europe other than Denmark and England will be muslum-ruled in three years, Denmark will join in five. South Korea will get stampeded by the worst civil rights violators since Vlad the Impaler.
You can consider yourself happy that I´m not a mod because for that stupid statement I would surely have suspended you for some time for spreading such propagantic bullshit on the boards. If you believe the crap that is told to you from the US government then fine live in your paraoid world, but please stop spreading the crap around on the web. There might be young members around that would believe that bullshit. :rolleyes:
Your words can be taken as muslim = threat = evil. I´m sorry but that is a stupid and intolerant point of view. Just because there´s is radical fundamentalists among muslims you can´t label the whole large group of them as such. How about the white christian fundametalists, huh? Just google a bit and you´ll find some nice references about that within the USA. Does that mean all white people or all christians are like those fundamentalistic idiots.
I have yet to see the nation, religion or culture that doesn´t have not even one asshole among them. Such a thing doesn´t exist. There´s assholes and sick psychopaths everywhere. You can´t blame the entire people of being like that just because of the negative examples.
See, the US goes around and protects all these stupid countries and is then told how evil it is. I wanna see the looks on their faces when we finally pull out and they realize that the only reason they have an economy is that we're paying all their defense bills. When they realize that countries like Iran are just waiting for their chance to march in.
Let´s see the US Government walks around and tells how evil other countries are. About how demonic they are and that they want to bring down the civilized world. And then they send troops there to wipe these demons out. I can´t help but feel that this just reminds me of some story where I´ve just read that and there it turned out to be that those guys who did all that propagandic framing where actually the ones that were the bad guys.
I really suggest you to do some constructive thing and critic reflexion of what propaganda the US government spreads. They label a whole large group as evil to create an atmosphere among their own people that will support war. I´m not defending neither Saddam Hussein nor Osama Bin Laden but look at the key words of their propaganda. You´ll find statements like "God is on our side" or "To protect ourselves against the Devils from the West".
Now just compare that to Bush statements. "God is on our side" is actually the exact same statement and "To protect ourselves against the Devils from the East" is almost the same only that you replace west for east. The message they are delivering is the absolute same. So how can one be good and the other evil? It can´t, either they are both good or both evil. If Saddam and Osama woulds say stuff like "Satan is on our side" or "To destroy the forces of good to create a world of pure evil", then you could say that they are proclaming demonic messages. But nobody does such a thing. Except for satanists maybe nobody would support a leader that proclaims such programms.
The true evil thing is that all of them Hussein, Bin Laden and Bush are using people´s faith and cultures to create hate towards the other side. It´s like when a shepherd manipulates his sheeps to do bad stuff. You can´t blame the sheeps for it, it´s the shepherd that´s the bad guy. He should be taken down. However when it comes to fighting it´s the sheeps that suffer and not the shepherds.
The biggest problem is that many of the people in the USA who are pro-let´s-send-our-troops-there don´t have the slightest idea what war actually is. The wars on US territory like the Civil War was a war that was taken out on the battle fields between opposing armies. Pathetic. In a real war the battle field is everywhere. You don´t make differences between a free area and villages, towns and cities. Innocent people aren´t safe anywhere. You can´t say "if I stay away from the battlefield then I´ll be perfectly fine". In a real war everything can become a target of the opponent.
The US history is lacking such an war experience where cities are bombed and destroyed, where you don´t have absolutely nowhere to run, where true war can get you everywhere. That´s why it is easy to say "let´s send troops there" because the own cultural understanding of war means that war avoids to met the innocent. That´s crap.
And don´t even dare to tell me I´m telling crap. I come from a country (Yugoslavia) that experienced two wars in one decade (the 90´s). There was innocent people dying there, I knew innocent people that died back there and I can´t stand it if it comes over here as if only the "evil" guys got hit. I´m at no point defending the radical politics of our leaders. I more then anyone else wanted that the heads of these guys were rolling back then. But sending troops there is no answer. Innocent people died and the leaders still were in charge afterwards. How just is that? But of course nobody cares for that because on the other side of the world the suffering of the people doesn´t get shown.
I´m not trying to give the US American people a bad name. I´m just trying to show a big problem here. If I would believe in propaganda of our leaders then I could easily frame US people as demons. The Clinton government was the main responsibles that brought the NATO to fight a war against Yugoslavia and not all but plenty of the US people supported it.
On our side the propaganda seemed like "We are the innocent ones that get attacked and all the people of the US hate us". And then there´s only those US people shown that supported the war. All those people who demonstrated against it aren´t show because it wouldn´t support the propaganda that tries to establish all of the USA as a demonic nation.
If I fall for that propaganda then I could easily frame everyone from the USA as a demon. And I would be wrong with that. And I seriously suggest you should really start to reflect a little bit about the propaganda with which your government operates. Fight against evil is the fight against the devil within ourselves. There is no such thing as pure evil nations and religions or pure good nations and religions. Within each and everyone of them you´ll find example for both good and evil. But you can´t generalize all as the same. If would be the right way, then I could say that the entire USA is demonic because you have people there that rape little children, psychopath´s that serve satan and mass murderers that eat people. It´s true that such people live in the USA, but I can´t call the entire population demons just because of this assholes.
And same applies to every other country. You just can´t generalize everyone as evil (which is a stupid word in this context anyways) just because of a idiotic minority.
It´s as I always say, use a little self reflection before you point fingers at others and frame them for their mistakes. It might be that your point of view may be not so correct either.