She's preggers, not ill. :happy:
FujiTV reported that Ikue Ohtani was taking a leave of absence because she was in "poor physical condition" (literal translation), based on this ANN reported that she was ill. ANN has now confirmed that Ohtani is not ill, but in in fact on maternity leave. All other information in the news post about her replacements is correct. ANN regrets this mistake.
Thx to TakinawaTonfa for the info.
アニメ「ONE PIECE」チョッパー役の声優・大谷育江さんが
According to Shounen Jump double-issue 6 and 7,
Chopper's voice actor from the anime One Piece, Ohtani Ikue-san,
has been temporarily relieved due to illness. Her stand-in will be Ikura Kazue.
Her role in Detective Conan as Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko has been shifted to Orikasa Ai.
Ohtani-san's other roles as Pikachu in Pokemon and Gash in Konjiki no Gash Bell also probably have suitable substitutes.She was quoted in the Jump article as saying:
"Due to illness, I will be taking a short break. Depending on when my health returns, I want to return on the earliest day possible. Please look forward to having me back!"
Ok, this probably won't be entirely accurate. But it would seem that it was reported in Jump 6-7 that Chopper's seiyuu 'Ikue Ohtani' has fallen sick & will need ongoing medical treatment before she can return to work. Thus she will/may(?) need to be temporarily replaced in her role(s) in One Piece and other shows she's involved in.
Now I could have this entirely 'wrong' but it would seem that Ikura Kazue 伊倉一恵 will/could be her replacement?