I tried opening an mp4 with VD and it didn't recognize the file. Anyone know what can be done about this?
Virtual Dub and Mp4s
use windows media player or something else >_>
I can't make clips with Media player…
o_o VirtualDub only works with video files, right? Unless I am missing something it shouldn't work in the first place, since mp4s are audio.
mp3s are audio…...
20 characters?
mp4s are video. It's the type of file that K-F is using for their episodes now.
Have you tried downloading an updated VD? Other than converting the mp4 files to something different entirely, I don't know.
wait.. there's mp4 files? o_O
TTC wakes up in the future!!!
Don't you open up a .avs file for the OP .mp4's?
I don't know what you mean by that….
But I guess I'll try seeing if there's an update for VD...I'm afraid that converting mp4s to avis might be the only solution, at least K-F has some tutorials for that, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to go through such lengths just to make a clip of an mp4.
maybe there is a filter for vd that will allow you to play mp4s.
EDIT: it looks like there is'nt any. if you wanna make gifs, vlc allows you to make nice screencaps.
As far as I can tell you will probably have to convert it to avi and then use VD. A lot of people seem to be in the same boat as you and I kind of wonder why nobody has come up with a decent editor yet. There is obviously demand for it.
Yeah, maybe VD should do that for their next upgrade.
EDIT: it looks like there is'nt any. if you wanna make gifs, vlc allows you to make nice screencaps.
Better than WMP does? I've never tried taking screencaps in VLC before. But I don't suppose I can make any other kind of clips. Guess I'll have to learn to convert to avi to make avis or WMV.