My dad is considering getting me a tablet for Christmas.
Please tell me what tablet you use, why you like it, and which you would upgrade to if given the choice.
Thanks a ton.
My dad is considering getting me a tablet for Christmas.
Please tell me what tablet you use, why you like it, and which you would upgrade to if given the choice.
Thanks a ton.
For consistency you can ask here
For consistency you can ask here
Thank you very much. :D
I have a 4x6 Wacom Graphire3.
I was surprised to find the "feel" of the tablet material very smooth, unlike paper, this has a learning curve.
Other surprise: I expected a lot more difficultly aligning screen-tablet, but it came naturally pretty fast (though Sanji's eyelash still is beyond my abilities :D)
At 75 USD, I felt somewhat ripped off (in my mind, a 4x6 tablet is worth about 50 USD), but that was the cheapest price I could find for it. There are other makes, but they still don't pierce the $50 barrier (they tend to be about $60 or 65, and don't have nearly the reputation for quality Wacom does)
I have a 4x6 Wacom Graphire3.
I was surprised to find the "feel" of the tablet material very smooth, unlike paper, this has a learning curve.
Other surprise: I expected a lot more difficultly aligning screen-tablet, but it came naturally pretty fast (though Sanji's eyelash still is beyond my abilities :D)
At 75 USD, I felt somewhat ripped off (in my mind, a 4x6 tablet is worth about 50 USD), but that was the cheapest price I could find for it. There are other makes, but they still don't pierce the $50 barrier (they tend to be about $60 or 65, and don't have nearly the reputation for quality Wacom does)
The few times I've used a friend's tablet, I found them very difficult to use. How long does it typically take to get adjusted to drawing on a tablet?
Not too long. In the end, it's alot easier than a mouse and you get better control. With a mouse, your focus is spread out, and you might as well be using your wrists to color. With tablet you get much much tighter control. It's worth it. I use a wacom~
I'm looking at a Graphire 4x6. Would it be better for me to go for the 6x8, or does the 4x6 do a good job?
Both are fine, it just depends on how big you want your tablet.
Both are fine, it just depends on how big you want your tablet.
If I'm using it for artsketches, do you think a 4x6 will suffice?
Thanks a ton. Sorry to ask so many questions.
It should, I don't see why not. I think it's more of a personal preference. Just remember that no tablet is exactly like a pencil and paper. =)
I'd go with a Graphire. I've had mine for six years and it's pretty good, although i might be in the market for a new one.
I use a Wacom, I think it's 4x6 (it's pretty small, but it's dark in here so I can't check the actual size at the moment) and I love it. Sometimes I think it might be nicer to have a big one, but really, I'm fine with the small one. And I use mine as a mouse pad, too, which I couldn't do as easily with a larger one, so I'm glad I have the size I do.
And yeah, it takes some adjusting to, I'm still not totally used to mine in terms of freehand sketching, but for straight-up coloring, it beats a mouse anytime. Saves a lot of wear and tear on my wrist and elbow, plus you have ressure sensitivity which is nice in Photoshop and GREAT in Painter.