Empath found himself in the middle of the road in some small burg. A few body's were strewn across the street. Empath watched in shock as several people flew out of a nearby cofee shop window. The mutant ran in to get a look.
Inside the cofee shop was pure horror. Dead customers, dismembered limbs, and blood covered the floor and walls. And coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Empath couldn't help but gag at the stink as he surveyed teh room. He caught a glimpse of the only one in the room standing - male, tall, dyed blue hair, and all black. He was clutching a battered cashier by the throat in one hand, and a gigantic bloody knife in the other.
"Don't you see?", Nny questioned the cashier. "You're all nothing but puppets of the coffee industry! Pathetic little creautres dependant on the hustle and bustle of this beverage and its succubi-esque corporation. You'll nev…"
"Huh?" Nny, turned around, still clutching the struggling cashier. "Lovin' the tights. You here for coffee?"
Empath attempted to use his powers of manipulation against this murderer. "You... you will put that man down."
Nny just stared at him. "You're kidding, right?" Nny just turned around and proceeded to gut the poor man he was holding.
"Y-you do not want to kill...," Empath continued.
Nny threw what was left of the cashier across the room and walked towards Empath. "I don't want to kill? You really have me down, don't you?" His expression changed to a silly, demented state, but happy. "Oh yes, I don't wanna kill anymore! Yay!! Lalala!! Let's be friends, okay!?"
Empath stood his ground. "Uh okay then. I'm Empath what's y---"
"Nny." The silly, happy expression was gone and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac withdrew two rusty knives.