Well, we're about half an hour our from this crazy thing going live to the world. I sadly won't be watching it on launch, I'll be watching it with my wife tonight and we both have to work, So I'll be a day or two behind a lot of you.
So, for good or for ll, I'll just leave these thoughts I had the day it was revealed when it was first announced in July 2017, on the first page of this thread.
@Robby said in One Piece Live-Adaptation Drama Announced:
You can't make it like the anime and it's doomed if it even tries, it would fall apart the second you tried to put a 14 foot tall guy on screen or matched some of the crazier character designs. Chopper and Franky will not translate without looking stupid, so get that out of your heads now. They probably wouldn't even be in the first season anyway, assuming the first chunk is getting the crew together. And on-film stretching effects look really weird, so I imagine they'd have to tone Luffy down a smidge.
So you're not going to get that aesthetic. To even try would call for a ridiculous budget and it would mostly just look ridiculous or like the Speed Racer film. But go for something that strikes the spirit of One Piece and manage something like Hook or PotC and it could work.
Or Guardians of the Galaxy. Hell. If anything proves it could work it's freaking Guardians of the Galaxy. There's presumably no budget to make a Rocket Racoon quality CHopper on a regular basis, but he and Groot show audiences are willing to accept some crazy nonsense. But also look at Yondu. WHo in the comics had a GIANT fin mohawk… which was made considerably smaller for the film. Keeping the idea, the spirit... but not the exact visual.
Colorful and fun but not insane. At it's heart OP is a character piece with some great fight scenes and some really great stories within it. And several manga have been adapted into live action in Japan and worked quite well, though they're not quite as crazy as OP is design and energy wise.
Long as it doesn't turn into the Mario Brothers movie or Dragonball Evolution, there's always reason to be optimistic. If they're actually shooting for a series rather than standalone movie, there's much better chance of some of it being right.