Happy April Fools! How many years has it been since the last one? (I wasn't here... right?)
Was that okay? Was it too safe for AP standards?! Well, maybe you are a big Naruto fan anyway, or you didn't mind the paint job, as long as you got some kind of dark theme and wasn't burning your eyes out. Hey, back in the day we didn't even HAVE dark mode for anything. So you mean, not only do I have to do multiple designs for responsive web, I also have to make a dark version of everything now too?! Sheesh!
Did you find the Easter eggs? I personally liked the flying narutos from clicking the banner...
Believe it!
Dark Mode is real...
Do you see that in the top right corner? The area where you get your notifications and chats? Now you can click the icon to turn the lights off!!
Well, the thing about last Halloween was a true story, but I'm glad we can finally enjoy something like this. I'll always be tweaking it. That first load transition you will probably see if you default to dark is kind of annoying, but I will pursue a way to smooth it out. To be honest, I'm still not used to maintaining forums that run like an app...
And I had the nerve to open up a Wishlist thread...
But there's more!
As I've already alluded to in the info banner last month, I had been working on an alternative search engine! In the top right corner there is also a that will open up a search box. The first one we had when the forums revived last year semi-failed on us because of its intensive memory usage, and in some ways, its accuracy. That's not to say this one will solve all the problems we had before, but it is just better than that one in some capacity. So give it a try, and see if it can dig up some cool stuff. Please be gentle with it
When you make your first search, you can tweak your preferences by expanding the Advanced Search section and saving your preferences. Some of you might always search with specific parameters, and some of you might always want to avoid certain categories (like Manga spoilers).
I hope you're able to find what you're looking for. I might not be able to do too much to make it perfect.
Lastly, I recommend going into your settings and disabling Enable In-Topic Searching so that you can use your keyboard browser search within topics. There's still something funky going on with that one.
So, uh, when do I get a raise, Robo...?