Younger MADS looking good on the cover. Especially teenage Ceasar rolling with a bunch of geniuses in their 30s or 40s. This cover story should montage us a few of MADS major moments that shaped them and their splitting up. Queen meeting with Kaido's crew; Judge meeting Sora; The lady (who's probably Stussy) and whatever made her leave; VP meeting Olivia and her archaeology trip; etc
It's a shame we're not getting any hints or teasing at what S-Hawk's fruit copy is gonna be. I'm gonna say, if we're not gonna get an S-Clown cause it's been too soon, I hope S-Croc ends up with the Chop Chop powers in place of sand. That'd be amusing all around. I can't force myself to care about the S-Snake thing people are having issue with.
The whole green blood infusion thing has me especially curious at how this is supposed to work with normal people/soldiers. Right now we're just seeing how it works for some clone weapons that were heavily modified for it to work.
The Luffy-Lucci fighting is a little weird how we go from Nika spitting rubble at Lucci, who smashes it in response, to instantly Luffy already stretching with the tube for his attack while Lucci's still in the air in the same spot. He probably would've realistically already been moving away from the rubble dust by the time Luffy launched his attack, but whateves. Not much else to complain about it so far.
Bonney's awake and getting back on the aggressive. I'd guess we're gonna continue with her plot now for a bit while cp0 and Kizaru continue preparations to block the place off. Maybe they'll find 1 more VP in the process (not completely sure where York might be). Then we can get Kuma arriving who'll help set things straight with Bonney, but we'll probably have to stay around here longer so he can get repaired.
This is shaping up to be an interesting case where the Strawhats hold the base and the villains are the one coming to siege them. Don't think we've usually seen the Strawhats playing Tower Defense, so I'd be all for it. Someone just needs to hurry up and tell Zoro before something stupid happens with him, Brook, and Caribou.