Ok ya'll full disclosure I have never seen one piece; so why am I here you aks? To answer a question; I'm if I were to get into it I'd enjoy it but like so many others what keeps my from doing so is the sheer number of episodes and Manga volume, I fear marathoning either would take far too much of my free time as I have alot I need to catch up on outside one piece or anime for that matter. However, I recall it wa through playing video games such as the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Series and Dragon Ball Z Budokai Seieies I was able to experience both stories in their entirety, so my question is, is there a similar game for One Piece and if so, what is the name, and what platform is it most easily playable?
Maiden voyages
Most of the games themselves have went away from gameplay along the full story. Some games follow the plot but picking up at different arcs well into it's run. And many then deviate in their own direction rather than following the plot proper.
Honestly the game that probably follows along closest to the story would be "One Piece: Grand Adventure" which was release on ps2. And only goes along to the Alabasta/Skypiea arcs, which are plots that were published at the latest in 2003. And while it's a very fun game, keep in mind of has the badly directed/miscast voice actors from the failed original english dub of One Piece by 4kids Entertainment.
If you're looking for some companion media outside of games while starting the series, I'd recommend both the "One Piece Podcast" and their mini series "OPReadthrough", where they cover rereading the entire series. And "TotallynotMark" on Youtube, who makes several videos as he begins reading several popular Shonen Manga, including One Piece. He has a whole series of videos as he begins the series.
The are not really any games that accurately cover the story in a meaningful way. My advice is to start the series (either manga or anime or dub, doesn't matter) and watch 1 episode. If you like it and have time, watch another. If not, stop take a break and come back when you're ready. There is absolutely no reason to rush or marathon this series, its better to take your time and move through it at a pace that is comfortable and convenient for you.
Well, from the OP games I've played, I'd say the most complete one in terms of story is Pirate Warriors 3, but that one still has big gaps regarding plot or characters that aren't feutered in the game.
But if you go to the anime section on the forum you'll find a thread called One Pace, which is an edited version of the anime without the fillers. Not only without the filler arcs, as those are already pretty easy to skip, but also without the filler scenes and other fluff used to pad out the episodes.
Other advice I can give you since, yeah, marathoning the series at this point is a big ordeal, is to check the wiki or ask here for a nice list of the arcs and just watch a chunk of the series at a time. It's kinda what I did when I first started watching the series and by then it was "only" 300 episodes long.
For example, the first 50-something episodes cover the first set of islands before the characters enter a new more dangerous ocean, so it's a nice breathing point. Then the following arc is maybe 75 episodes, and take another breather, before going into the following arc.It does take a while to catch up to OP these days, but if you watch the first few arcs and become a fan then it won't be bothersome and there's no need to rush.
So go set sail on your voyage when you're ready, we'll be waiting for you when you become a great pirate.