This is a kind of a short story that connects with a larger story I wanted to write. This is a fictional letter that is written by two different people in two different universe. One from Digimon Adventure 02 and one is original made by me. This is a comparison thing. I posted this on my newsfeed but it only got a small reaction and no comments. I however decided to post it here in Arlong Park as well. Here is the story.
Here is a creepy E-Mail from some possessed wierdo from Digimon Adventure 02 sent to young Ken Ichijoji whose brother just died.
"I'm sorry for the loss of your brother. It must have been hard to take, but don't worry. Your brother is in a better place than this world. He is finally at rest. But when his soul became free, yours became trapped. You will now bare the burden of both his destiny and your own. Now that your parents have lost their hopes for their "perfect child". You will be expected to carry out the dreams that Sam can no longer fulfill. This world will become unbearable for you, the pressure to succeed will be too great. But let me tell you about another world that is much more appropriate... a world where your soul can finally be free, where you answer to no one but yourself."
This is however what Kimberly Madison would write to Irina Sakamoto after her sister just died while being possessed:
"Hi sweetie, first off I bid you condolence for the death of your sister. It must be really traumatic to lose someone close to you, it's such a bummer. That is the price of living here, death claims everyone in it's way every day with no end to it. But worry not though, she is finally free from this disgusting world forever, she can rest happy without suffering anymore, she is now in a much better place where she'll never be satisfied with this world again. So, while Lana is free, you are still trapped in a world of pain, a slave to suffering. Now you have to carry her and your destiny, you have to carry such burden and it sucks to do that. While your parents expects a "perfect child" out of Lana, you would have great pain to succeed where she could not. This world is too mean and cruel for you, this world will only destroy you, your precious life and your reputation, you will be pressured to succeed but fail because the world is such a jerk. The world turns it's ugly backs to you and don't give a shit about you. But I have a solution appropriate for you, there is a world in the Grand Universe located in the galaxy of Grenda, a world in the center of the galaxy called Va. Go there to find your destiny, go there where your soul can finally be free, go there where you will answer to no one but yourself, go there and you can succeed in punishing this world for the wrong it did to you. Someone there however will help you achive that. I promise you, it would be much better then staying here. Ciao sweetie."
Which is creepier and had style?
I asked a question and nobody on my account would answer it. So I have to find a story group to get more attention and decided to post it here.