We have One Piece as a Jump cover and color pages!!! Woot!!
Download: http://raws.kefi.org/aerggra/onepiece/op357.zip
Translation: http://www.kefi.org/forum/index.php?topic=48.0
We have One Piece as a Jump cover and color pages!!! Woot!!
Download: http://raws.kefi.org/aerggra/onepiece/op357.zip
Translation: http://www.kefi.org/forum/index.php?topic=48.0
the link doesn't work for me
but thanks for when ti'll work!
that's where the link bring me
Aha, thanks for giving us the new chapter! Can't wait to check it out. Unfortunately it seems your site thinks you're trying to steal your own bandwidth. ^^;
Interesting title, I must say. Does this mean ole Cutty is indeed the next crewmember?
Thank you so much for ch 357. I haven't read it yet so can't give much comment BUT there's one thing I know. That color page is just AWESOME :)
Problem fixed. Thank e1n for pointing out the hotlinking problem. I didn't host OP last week, so I totally forgot to add this site :P
If you want to spare your bandwidth, you can use this link on my site. I have lots of bandwidth. :D The file comes from Ritual Scan Forge.
No, it's not about sparing the bandwidth (I had 40G left over last month) but more of my own protection for not being linked from Japan. 10% of raws.kefi.org visitors were from Japan x.x
Thanks Ocean & Roman. I've only got 20 minutes to read this, take a shower, get ready & go out to dinner with my family. :o
Thanks a ton Roman, that worked perfectly. This chapter looks outstanding, I'm loving the color pages. Usopp with a gun…perhaps a little bit of foreshadowing?
Wow. This flashback ended much faster than I thought it would. It was so sudden. I guess we now know why the frog fights the train.
I can't believe Franky survived this however… :mellow:
Wow, no words….
What a chapter! :(
nice SJ Cover and Chapter Cover XD
Once again, thanks Ocean for digging up the raw for us (great quality btw) Also to Roman for sharing the hosting duties.
Peace out, players. B)
well, now we know how cutty flam "died"
and why the yokozuna keeps fighting the train.
and franky DID say that he doesn't want to make ships anymore, ships that hurt his beloved one. and he said the wants to make a dream ship, that can withstand all unknown waves. so he has a dream… HINT?
thanks to ocean for translating the last 2 pages on irc ^^
As usual, it looks like an awesome chapter and i'm anxiously waiting for a translation!
this spandam needs a kick in the ass! i don't want this sucker to defeat francky!
Originally posted by igalsfy@Mar 3 2005, 02:36 AM
**As usual, it looks like an awesome chapter and i'm anxiously waiting for a translation!this spandam needs a kick in the ass! i don't want this sucker to defeat francky!
he has already lost some teeth ^^
Man, I just can't get enough of the color pages. They're just too good :)
I'm wondering whether this chapter will end the flashback or will there be 1 more chapter to fill in the gap, like what happened to Ice & Franky afterwards?
So now we know Franky's true dream. He grew up dreaming of building battleships that create destruction and have the power to cause pain or death. Now his dream has become to build a ship that can withstand any wave or brave any storm. Instead of the ultimate battle ship, he wants to build a ship that can protect people. That may be what he put all that money toward. Makes logical sense, I'm surprised I never thought of it that way. However, IF that is his dream, then now I'm about 90% sure Franky will not join the strawhats. Instead, like Merry or Tom he will give that ultimate ship to Luffy, but I can't imagine him both building Luffy's new ship AND joining the crew. He MIGHT, but I dunno. seems more unlikely now.
Edit: On a sidenote, I think that is it for the flashback. If anything, the next chapter might begin as a flashback and bring us back to the present less than a quarter of the way through the chapter. I think all the major events (other than who turned Franky into a cyborg) have been covered. At least all the major events and mysteries surrounding Tom have, if nothing else. I guess I'm just anxious to get back to whats happening in present day. ^^;
Omg…..omg...omg....this is one of the greatest chapters I've ever seen....
We finally know how Franky was injured till he became a cyborg.....
He was run over by the Sea train....
Poor Tom....
Franky goes on a rampage. :(
Originally posted by Golden Dragoon@Mar 3 2005, 02:51 AM
Instead, like Merry or Tom he will give that ultimate ship to Luffy, but I can't imagine him both building Luffy's new ship AND joining the crew. He MIGHT, but I dunno. seems more unlikely now.
true, you have a good point there. even tom didn't join roger's crew.
I woke up at 5am to check if there was a new chapter. And I was right! Thanks guys.
Originally posted by Golden Dragoon@Mar 3 2005, 10:51 AM
Edit: On a sidenote, I think that is it for the flashback. If anything, the next chapter might begin as a flashback and bring us back to the present less than a quarter of the way through the chapter. I think all the major events (other than who turned Franky into a cyborg) have been covered. At least all the major events and mysteries surrounding Tom have, if nothing else. I guess I'm just anxious to get back to whats happening in present day. ^^;
Well, in some way, a agree… i think that THIS part of the flashback is over, but maybe will we have an other later (in 10 chapters maybe...) in which we'll discover how franky did become a cyborg.
Damn it, Franky must join the crew, he's so cool!!!
This was a great chapter (cover and color pages kicked ass too, was Zoro being Lucci?). And just when I started complaining about the flashback…..
Well, now we've seen Tom die, Cutty die, Yokozuna's motive, and best of all, Spandam get bitchslapped more than once.
.......but......are we going to have to wait 2 weeks?
if only they could quit water 7 with robin, usopp, a new ship made by franky and pauley… but i think pauley is yet not strong enough to join the crew, he still have to convince me!
…..Now I see what people mean, though. Compared to Franky, the rest of the Straw Hats come off a bit shallow. A goofy young man like Pauly would probably file in better.
Anyone else need a script? I'd like to know what was said about Roger.
Pauly would fit the crew perfectly. Still, I like Franky better for the crew.
Is Tom dead ? Because I thought he was alive, held in the train and that's why Franky attack on it, wanting Tom back.
I'm sure he died right there. And I think Franky just tried to stop Spandam from escaping. But there's probably more to it than that.
Man sometimes I can be way the hell off, like Ao Kiji appearing again so soon, but this puts me back at about 60/40 for predictions! Not only was Franky's injury related to the Sea Train, but he also has a dream!!!
Jesus Christ!!!!!!! Did you see his body falling in the last panels??? I didn't realize it was him and then it hit me. Awful. Just awful.
Tom is not dead. He was shot with tranqs.
He's been knocked out and taken to Enius Lobby (sp). If I am to understand it correctly, his 'crimes' of that day are to be wiped out in exchange for his work on the sea train, hence allowing TW's to survive, but he has to accept building Oro Jackson. I say yet again, by perhaps no coincidence, the last train out of W7 tonight is going to Enius Lobby (sp).
Tom's words about Roger:
That I lent my strength to the man named Roger is something I think of as 'pounding' with pride!
Sigh Tranquilizers? Does Oda work for Saban or something? Just let the guy bow out
Jesus Christ!!!!!!! Did you see his body falling in the last panels??? I didn't realize it was him and then it hit me. Awful. Just awful.
If by "awful" you mean "awesome," then yes. Very awful.
:( I didn't think it was awesome, it's the first time this flashback made me wanna cry.
Tom's words about Roger above.
Hmmm, I wonder is Franky is going for something like this :lol:
.. Wow.
Just… Wow.
I have the sudden urge to go running through the streets screaming ''Franky!!!'' from the top of my lungs.
In fact, I think I will.
I hope Spandam dies >_<
Sorry, I'm too sleepy. It's 4am. I'll continue it tomorrow, or somebody can continue it for me. e1n, if you can dig up last two pages, that'd be great. Up to page 14 is done.
This flashback was so sad… :(
Now I want even more that Franky join the group, he is the best!
Thanks Ocean!
I assume that if he is tranquilized that we won't see his execution.
Goodbye Tom.
It speaks volumes for Oda that even the small characters who are around for only a few chapters can be this good. Tom is one of my favorite characters in the entire series.
And can Franky's story get sadder? When he was introduced he was just some wierd antagonist and now he has this amazing backstory.
Thanks a ton! This is a nice birtrhday present to wake up to.
I'll read it after school…
Then… If Tom was put to sleep to be executed on the other island, but the judge changed his penalty... he might still be alive today, on that island. What is the new penalty?
Carter, those are my thoughts too. I gotta wait till later….
Also in my mind: "Dammit" "Shit" and "Why the hell do I have to be a school when this is released?".
I want to know if in the next chapter they show Tom get executed or if they are gonna just start off with Lucci in Franky's lair. If so that leaves a few plot holes to be filled in later. Does anyone know what kinda merman TOm is?
This is by far the coolest flashback we had in One Piece. Franky is so cool when he tries to stop the train with his hands. So that's Yokozunas reason for attacking the train.
But i doubt that Tom is still alive. Then it would have been much more easy with the skills of CP9 to question Tom himself. This also because CP9 is not Spandam, tey are clever.
Is this reaally the and of the flashback? Why are some people so sure?
For the next chapter, here's the thing.
The end text from Shueisha reads: "The emotions are overflowing, however…"
That's super ambiguous. Next week could go either way. Personally I think it would be a little strange if we didn't get the story as to how Franky became his present self.
Originally posted by lifegrd31@Mar 3 2005, 07:56 AM
Does anyone know what kinda merman TOm is?
A pufferfish, but I forgot the EXACT name.
Franky was cool yeah, but then he died so he's not soo cool anymore. :P
and he won't join. why would he? if he wants to build a ship why should he go away from the bes shipyard there is? :?
i thik the next chapter will be a flashback as well. there's still much to tell and now it's the right time ot tell it :)
Yeah, probably the next Chapter ends the Flashback. We may get scenes next Chapter of Water 7 hearing about Tom's execution, what's left of Franky being scraped up and rebuilt, and Iceberg taking charge of the City. I always thought that the Flashback would then end with Iceberg telling all of this to Paulie and we're back in the present.
He's a cowfish type merman.
And errr….Majek?
Franky didn't die....
He's tied up by Califa...
Maybe I'm just making up excuses but perhaps building a dream ship isn't all that simple and to making it true Franky must leave the island (to seek Oro Jackson or something). Anyway, now I think it's pretty clear Franky bought something regarding the new ship.
Edit: I would expect the flashback end into a hint of the blueprints whereabout, after all that was the reason why it began.
Originally posted by Forte EXE@Mar 3 2005, 03:40 PM
He's a cowfish type merman.
And errr….Majek?
Franky didn't die....
He's tied up by Califa...
what i meant was, he's coolnesss was enede by the "accident" .and he's not alive anymore, he may have some flesh components (enough to call hima cyborg) but he's got hasmer wheel for heart ;) a hamster that love Coke no less :D
Well, I just finished reading the chapter. However, with no understanding of Japanese I can only make out very little of what is happening.
We get to see young Franky in all his glory in this chapter. However, I'm suprised that neither Kokoro nor Iceberg try to stop Franky from his rampage knowing that he might lose his life after what Tom has done for him. Only Yokozuna was there :mellow:
Tom's fate is also in a cloud of mystery here. Hope he's alive :( but there's little chance of that. I just would like say that Tom's action was very touching, kinda reminded me of Nami's past.
I think that, after reading this chapter, the flashback will end at this chapter. The flashback started because of Franky's outrage over CP9's intrusion of Tom's workshop and their disrespect over the valuable picture. So far the flashback have explained why the place and the picture means so much to Franky. I don't think Oda will reveal everything in one go, you know how he likes to keep readers on the edge of their seat :P
I think in the next chapter, we'll get to see Franky back in the present with the CP9