Batches of how many episodes? Because they could do smaller batches. Or they dont do that?
German One Piece Dub (ProSieben MAXX; Dressrosa begins May 30 2019)
Well usually somewhere between 50 and 100 episodes. I know they dubbed all of Dressrosa at once but then the network split it up into two blocks of episodes when they aired the episodes, with I think a half a year break inbetween. In contrast, all of Whole Cake Island was aired at once.
Since February 1 ProsiebenMAXX is airing new episodes continuing from Episode 878. For now they show the episodes till the end of act 1 of the Wano Arc (917).
Apparently, the German dub voice of Oden will be Tommy Morgenstern, who is pretty famous among German anime fans for being the German voice of Son-Goku in DBZ (also, Thor in the MCU). That's pretty awesome, now I can't wait for them to dub the Oden flashback!
You've probably seen them already, but here'e the German Katakuri working his voice.
He's really reveling in his new role, isn't he? Lol, good for him!
That's so endearing lol. He was great in the role too
On friday ProSieben MAXX finished the broadcasting of the new season (918-957). So the next time we will see the flashback of Oden. My guess is that the next batch of episodes will be going from 958-1000 since that's the number of the last two batches and it's a quite fitting cut imo.
Today ProSieben MAXX announced that they will broadcast a new season this winter. They also said that Episode 1000 will be included. Now they really want to catch up to Japan lol.
I have to say, it's crazy that multiple of the dubs are closing in on catching up to the Japanese broadcast. I mean with the english dub is almost done with Whole Cake Island, and both the french and german dubs are well into Wano. Also don't forget that the Latin Amercia/Brazil dub just finished Enies Lobby and it looks they are already starting work on Thriller Bark. So it's really good time right now for fans of all the international dubs of One Piece.
@Sano I've theorized that Toei's pushed to rejuvenate/catch international releases up these past few years in anticipation for the live action series, piggybacking off the publicity and whatnot. Them having more of a handle over international distribution has also helped them in that regard as well.
ProsiebenMAXX will continue the broadcasting on December 1 with episode 958. They will also show episode 1000.
Thanks for the info! I'm excited to get more Tommy Morgenstern as Oden.
Episode 1000 airs on january 31 and will be the last new episode of the current broadcast. But, fear not. ProSieben MAXX already confirmed they will continue airing new episodes (1000+) still in this year. No exact date yet tho, but I'm more than happy.
ProSieben MAXX has all my love for what they've done for animes in Germany in the last couple of years. I had a feeling the current batch would go up exactly to episode 1000. The next batch of episodes should actually see them catch up to the current episodes in Japan, that's amazing! I wonder what they will do then. I can't see a simuldub for the German market happening...I guess the most likely option is that they will basically air a new "season" of episodes each year consisting of the 30-40 episodes aired in the previous year in Japan.
The newest block of episodes has ended this week on episode 1000. They did keep the We Are opening instead of inserting "Die Legende", so it wasn't quite the nostalgia fest for longtime German dub viewers. But one little thing they did that I really enjoyed: they used soundbites of the old voice actors for Gold Roger and the narrator for the old school opening narration, both of whom have died years ago. That was quite nice! Particularly old Gold Roger, man, that voice was just perfect!
Under a year behind the current broadcast.
On a side note - topic title to be updated?
@dropper What should it be updated to?
@RoboBlue Perhaps the arc/episode Germany is currently at? (Onigashima?) The Dressrosa announcement is a tad outdated
By the time people update the title of this thread the german dub will be in the new current manga arc lol.
New episodes of the German dub starts on August 17th with Episode 1001 - 1050.
Oh cool, Germany will be up to 1050 by the end of October. I wonder what episode the English dub will be by then?
I love how Germany always loved One Piece. They always did.
We finally have a date for when the next batch of episodes will air on German TV:
Episodes 1051-1100 begin airing in June
50 new episodes of the German dub will start airing on June 26th!
I know RTL 2 has LONG since left One Piece but I smiled when I learned RTL Zwei was airing Sailor Moon again... and then I learned Zwei just means 2. I am glad they are airing anime again.