A new rivalry, an old pigeonhole.
Title: "A New Rivalry! Nami and Ulti"
Chapters Covered: 991
Episode Director: TBA
Animation Director: TBA
Time: 7:30PM EST
Watch It: www.crunchyroll.com/one-piece
A new rivalry, an old pigeonhole.
Title: "A New Rivalry! Nami and Ulti"
Chapters Covered: 991
Episode Director: TBA
Animation Director: TBA
Time: 7:30PM EST
Watch It: www.crunchyroll.com/one-piece
One Piece Episode 1003 Preview
Wait, the staff list never came out?
Having not seen a staff list, and having not yet watched Skippy's review, I really liked this episode. The storyboard was good, and it moved really well.
Apoo got to be the most hated among the Supernovas. Every other supernova hates him, Lol. But we can't really blame them . Usopp and Nami is the very definition of pure friendship between a boy and a girl. while Zoro has some badass moments again, Sanji is being a simp once again. Sanji's comment was ridiculous, Brook's retort was witty and Robin's was cruel as always. That's the One Piece, I have been watching always. This episode should have been named: ''A New Alliance Formed! Zoro and X Drake battle'', seeing how they were the primary focus of the episode.