Naruto Thread XII: This really has to be the final Naruto thread, right?
FOURTEEN YEARS AGO this forum did a thing to close out Naruto thread 7. That thread is apparently mallwared at the moment so I can't click on it, and a lot of the images have fallen away due to the death of photobucket and imageshack... but we as a community got together to create a song, taking turns one line at a time to pick an appropriate image to a lyric to hit the final words on the last post of the thread.
And then I made an AMV throwing together all those into a video and stoile footage from some existing videos to make this overnight.
Most of the people that were here then aren't here anymore, but those were the days.
I've always associated this song with this place since, any time, any place I hear it, I think of Arlong Park.