One Piece: Age of Pirates Tabletop RPG
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Download One Piece: Age of Pirates RPG
Hey everyone!
Well, where to start? I've been a fan of One Piece for over a decade, a fan of role-playing for nearly as long, and a fan of tabletop RPGs for a while! This combination of interests led me to create a custom tabletop RPG system for the world of One Piece. Though still in its early stages, it is completely playable, and features races including humans, fishmen, minks, and dwarfs. You can choose from a variety of classes and backgrounds, all that contribute to your custom made character as they adventure in the world of One Piece.
I should answer a few questions.
Why am I posting this? Two reasons. One, to provide a resource for those who want to run their own campaigns with their friends. Two, to get feedback from you guys. I know this RPG has plenty of room for improvement.
Why not use the d20 system? A lot of traditional tabletop RPGers will be familiar with the d20 system, used in Dungeons and Dragons. I chose to create my own system, called the Effort System, to better fit the world of One Piece and make it more unique. At the same time, I have attempted to minimize complexity, making it easy for any player, even one without roleplaying knowledge to join in.
What is the Effort System? In the d20 system, you roll a d20 to determine your chance of success. In the Effort system, you determine your chance of success by spending "Effort" (represented by dice). The more effort you spend, the higher your chance of success!
There aren't many Devil Fruits! Why? I've minimized the complexity of a lot of areas. This is because the system is still in its early stages. I've done some testing with friends, but it needs more. Before I start listing more Devil Fruits, I want to be certain I have the base system down pact.
Spelling mistakes!!! Yes, bare with me while I try to fix them! There are a few spelling and formatting mistakes I'm working on. I've made the document look decent for online viewing. Up until now, I've just been using a regular word file!
Got a question? Feel free to ask!
Check out some sample pages below, (and click the link at the top if you want to view the full pdf):
If any of this has piqued your interest, feel free to comment or give suggestions! And if you're really interested, I'm prepared to start a campaign with members on this forum using roll20, a free tabletop RPG service you can use on your browser.
If you're interested in testing the game out, creating your own character, and going on an adventure, let me know! This game can fit a wide number of players, but it is best suited for 5. So, if you're interested, let me know! If we can get enough players, I'll be happy to host a campaign!
Again, thanks so much for checking out my project!