if anyone has the new shonen jump please tell me how the cover looks like
The new American Shonen Jump??? It's Son Goku with a blue background and it says, "Don't miss DRAGON BALL Z Final Monthly Chapter!! Also, around the edges are all the main characters from various series and it says, "All your favorite manga stars!!" The various character pictures on the edges are just the typical same pictures they have used for the past two years.
But if you mean the next Japanese Weekly Jump then it is an awesome picture of Luffy from One Piece and Ryotsu from Kochi-Kame. Awesome! :D Unlike the American one. :(
i meant both so now i'm satisfied
Ah.. Now that we have here I wonder where we can find such scans (me needs to read some of the manga inside)…
From what I have gathered I think it is only possible from Winny.
US Shonen Jump cover.
Jan issue Yu-gi-oh
Feb issue Pharoh Yugi.
March issue Naruto
Issue #13 - One Piece and Kochi Kame
Issue #12 - Neuro (New Series)
I still havent gotten my copy yet. Its very odd. Maybe it will come today, since its the first Tuesday of the month.
Also worth mentioning about the Shonen Jump is in Hikaru no Go they changed Akira Touya's name to Akira Toya, not that big of a deal but they did had the name Touya for a year. Why change it?? And also Richie (the Lion from One Piece) name has been changed to Ritchie. Why change it?? And the worst April edit, I believe, is in Dragon Ball Z, VIZ edited out Future 17 pointing his gun at the old man, c'mon they even shown that on Toonami!! Future 17's hand looks all grainy from how badly they edited it. It shows Future 17 pull out his gun from the holster and then in the next panel when he is pointing the gun at the old man's head it's not there. It just looks like he is gonna punch him. The old man's gun wasn't edited out, so why must they edit Future 17's gun. Another painful example of why you should hate VIZ and stop purchasing their products until they come to their senses.
If there's any demand, I'll post WJ cover weekly. I get it every week, usually couple of days after I get OP. (No, I don't scan.) Oh but bah :x My copy of #13 cover contained #12 cover… T_T
Or if you can come to IRC, you can get the whole Jump issue +_+ Or at least I've been trying.
I've always wondered who that dork with the huge unibrow is..
You didn't see that ride with Ener, Goku, Luffy, and Ryotsu?
That eyeblow guy is Ryotsu Kankichi, a character from Kochi Kame, a long run series.
Originally posted by Buccaneer@Mar 2 2005, 08:54 PM
You didn't see that ride with Ener, Goku, Luffy, and Ryotsu?
[snapback]9835[/snapback]…no? :blink:
What is Kochi Kame?
The Japanese title's painfully long, but most people (that I know of) call it Kochi Kame.
It's about this cop named Ryotsu and his friends that get into wacky situations, mainly due to his vices. Last time I checked, it had 186 volumes.
Errr…. 143 volumes, I think. Maybe 144 by now. My group translated a few chapters of it a while back, but I don't think we have them up for download right now. >_<
Anyway, on topic here, One Piece is on the cover of Jump #14. =)