May I ask a question?
*Do all LGBTs agree with each category of the LGBT spectrum?
I think of that sometimes. May I hear some views?
That's an interesting question. I think as a whole most LGBT people know that yes, there are lesbian, gay, bi and trans people and yes, they do exist and are not "pretending" or things like that. And for the most part the term "queer" is one a lot of people are taking ownership of as it also includes other identities such as agender, pansexual, asexual, etc etc.
I HAVE heard of cases of lesbian women who don't consider trans women to be women and things like that, so given that I assume that there's people on the queer side sexuality spectrum who don't agree with the people on the queer side of the gender identity spectrum. But overall? I think all under this umbrella have the shared experience of dealing with bullshit and persecution from others enough not to do it ourselves.
There's also a lot of discussion about what it MEANS to be lgbt. I have little experience myself in the LGB area though, since for all intents and purposes I am straight in terms of sexual preference. Someone else could be better equipped to answer that.
On the T side, there's things like whether the goal of a trans individual should be to pass as the desired sex or to stand out and embrace being trans, or whether surgical alteration should be a goal or something considered as further oppression from having to belong in a binary society, … lots of interesting discussions that arise when you start thinking about what categories mean and what a spectrum as opposed to a binary entails for society as a whole.
Myself, my take on things is I know who I am and what I want to be so I'll deal with that. If other people in the LGBTQ+ umbrella feel differently or disagree, that's on them, as long as people let me and the people I care about live in peace and comfort I don't mind.