There's a lot a like. But I can only name the ones from recent memory, because how much I like them is still burned in my skull… meaning, I can remember what I liked and what made me like them a lot.
317 "K.O." The Incredibly Manly Conclusion to one of my favorite fights.
329 "My Name is 'Franky'" Well, I love the title. For some reason, I've always loved lines like "My name is *." I want to say "My name is Carter" one day in a cool way. Anyway, here we first see Franky, and Usopp has that awesome scene of busting down the Franky Family's door. And then Franky bitchsmacks him. It showed how much of a bad mother Franky is.
335 "WARNING" This chapter's title was appropriate, as a bunch of shit was building up at this point: Aqua Laguna, and now Franky was on the loose. I always liked that scene of Franky coming back to see the house torn down. Plus Franky, one of my favorite characters, is finally unmasked in one of the greatest scenes of all time, and you had to love his glare. And when Luffy glares back and says "I'M LUFFY" ...oooh.
336 "Luffy vs. Franky" This shouldn't need explanation.
346 "The 9th Justice" When Lucci went "Cutty Flam is living in this very town... next page UNDER THE NAME 'FRANKY'!!" My eyes literally shot out of my head.
354 "Sea Express": This chapter was just beautiful. You couldn't help but be filled with a warm, fuzziness when it was done.
357 "Cutty Flam" Like Omae said (now paraphrasing), to SUMO A TRAIN, Franky has gigantic, brass balls.
362 "Ebb Tide" Sanji is finally on the train, and surrounded by agents! Jerry was my favorite of the train characters, and I still enjoy re-reading this chapter.
371 "The Admirable Captain T-Bone" T-Bone is really a great character, as seen in his monologue and his last stand. I really hope we see more of him, he's too good to go to waste.
373 "Necessary Evil" ULTIMATE HAMMER! Plus, Usopp's escape plan was brilliant.
379 "Doriki" Great CP9 interaction, we finally see and learn more about their character. Plus, we get a good idea of how strong they are.
I feel like I listed too much... so I didn't put down other chapters I really liked, such as "Damage Report" and "The Demon's Hideout."