I hope he never goes away again.
I feel like he laughs more in his videos now though.
I hope he never goes away again.
I feel like he laughs more in his videos now though.
How much does this guys earn to do those things?
Anyone else has Netflix? There is a show called The Round Planet. , No its NOT like the Blue Planet, and more like zefrank1 from YouTube
Teen monk seals appear to be snorting eels in Hawaii and no one knows why
Teen monk seals appear to be snorting eels in Hawaii and no one knows why
Man, even non-human teens are dumbasses.
That's a well know one about cats.
Do you know that you can use food grade diatomaceous earth as a flea control in your house? You can read more about it here.
By the way, BBC made a series of relaxing 10 hours videos about ocean.
Bit of a combo on this one, but I promise it's worth it.
1. Orcas are bigger than sharks, but usually don't feed on them because they're generally pretty low in fat. And also high in danger.
2. The few parts of sharks that are high in fat/oil are shark livers, stomachs, and testes.
3. Many sharks, rays, and some reptiles exhibit something called tonic immobility, where a creature flipped on its back enters a state of mild paralysis for an extended period of time. The evolutionary purpose of this is uncertain, but it's thought that it's related to making mating easier since females tend to be more sensitive to it.
4. Sharks are unique in needing to keep moving to force water through their gills and respirate. Most fish have muscles that can do this.
5. Orcas are really freaking smart and dangerous.
This all culminates in a hunting technique that's only been noticed and documented in the past 25 years: an orca will drive a large shark to the surface via currents caused by its tail. It then flips up to the surface and lands a gravity-assisted 'karate chop' to temporarily stun the shark. The orca then grabs the shark and flips it upside-down to induce tonic immobility, then holds it there for up to fifteen minutes until the shark suffocates. By hunting in this fashion, the orca avoids danger and is almost never injured. The orca then bites into the shark's carcass near the pharyngeal fins and digs out the liver to eat alone, leaving the rest of the body for scavengers.
Finish him!
Another video from zfrank=
Q&index=3Katzztar is a lady of fine taste, True facts is probably my favorite mockumentary and the reason why I think the book "How to make Ducks Pay" should be about their accountability for their crimes against humanity,earth and god and not about good husbandry.
I recently learned an interesting fact about bees. In Japan, bees have developed a unique way to combat hornets. When a hornet enters the hive and attacks one of the worker bees, a group of bees sits on the hornet and begins to move actively, creating heat. The hornet overheats and dies. The phenomenon is that hornets die at a temperature only 2 degrees lower than the temperature of death of a bee. It is on this difference that the bees kill the hornet, but they themselves survive. Such habits have not been found in bees anywhere else except in Japan.
Dolphins are the biggest assholes in the sea. They gang up to rape other dolphins and kill for fun.
A sloth's fur is home to varous types of fungi, including types that haven't been researched by scientists. Some people believe cures to various diseases could be found on a sloth's body.